Warriorcats Lovestory~~~~part7~~~~

Hope you like this quiz and I might be making more of them. Plz no scamming and no mean comments. If you find and mistakes plz tell me or if you have any ideas in making it any better than plz leave comments

This is a she-cats quiz not a toms quiz but if you would like a Tom only quiz then I will make one but I doubt toms do warriors :D no offense O.0. But plz comment if you'd like a Tom quiz.

Created by: Falconheart

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay so we were at the part where you were heading back to camp and you saw Owleyes and all of them?
  2. You stop and crouch down near a bush deciding to hunt before you get back to camp, you wiggle your hunches ready to leap on top of the mouse. Before you can leap something comes crashing threw the bushes. You sniff the air and you smell Stoneclan, leaping into a tree swiftly you look down to see a whole group of them. Their claws unsheaed and their eyes were battle hungry. 'Oh no' you think, 'their going to attack camp, I must get back without letting them hear me.' You leap threw the trees and end up in camp. You yowl loudly and run towards the ledge. "We're about to get ready to battle with Stoneclan, I spotted them on my way back to camp! Everyone get ready! I want Cherrywhisker and Falconheart to organize their patrols. Cherrywhisker your taking your patrol out to ambush Stoneclan on one side and I want Falconheart to ambush Stoneclan on the other." You flick your tail and look down at your cats. "I'll have a small backup patrol to guard camp. All the queens and elders shall stay in my den." You leap off the rock to go help the elders up on the ledge and into your den. After you got the queens settled in you saw two groups seperated. Cherrywhisker, Owlpaw, Fallenflower, Spiritpaw, Sparrowwing, and Thunderclaw in one group while Falconheart, Flowerpaw, Jaggedclaw, Frostbite, And Smallfur was in the other group. You had Sweetfang, Icepaw, Robinpaw, Smokeypaw, and Swiftleap. You nodded your head in approval as Cherrywhisker and Falconheart led their patrols away towards the Stoneclan warriors. Your patrol stayed back in front of the camp entrance. Your strained your ears to listen for any sounds. You heard Feathernose and Shimmerlight making up herb mixtures for any of the injuries that they might have to heal. "Do you think their is going to be a battle Sunstar?" Icepaw asked curiously, you reply with a faint shrug. Icepaw licked your shoulder and sat close to you. Robinpaw was on the other side of you arguing with Smokeypaw. You sigh and you hear a battle cry yowl. "The battle has started!" Robinpaw called out and Swiftleap cuffed him over the ear, "that's not a good thing." Robinpaw spat crossly but his excitement didn't fade. Two muscular toms charged out of the bushes and crashed into you. You hissed crossly and you reared up and slashed at their muzzles. The one Tom with long perked ears hissed and snapped at your flank. Icepaw, Robinpaw, and Smokeypaw leaped onto the other Tom that was snapping at Swiftleaps neck. You whirled around and leaped onto your oppenets back. Your claws hooked into his back as you bite into the cats scruff. The Tom shook you off easily and he quickly pinned you to the ground. He scored your soft exposed belly with his hind paws. Your thrashing grew weaker but you but his neck and left a deep gash. The Tom fled as you got up weakly but stubbornly kept fighting as more Stoneclan cats leaped out of the bushes.
  3. You see Ripplewave fighting Sweetfang, he pinned her down and bite into her neck. You leaped on top of him your claws left deep claw marks on his side. He whirled and flipped you over onto your back. He blinked in surprise at you but kept you pinned down with his claws sheathed. "Fancy meeting you here?" You growled deeply, "get off of me you fox heart" you spat and started to thrash. Your belly wound started to bleed badly. Ripplewave rolled his eyes. "Don't waste your energy thrashing around like that, your already injured. You felt his paw pres against your belly wound gently. You wince in pain. "Don't want to loose a life now do you?" He kept you pinned to the ground while he looked you eye to eye. You grunt, "at least I'll be loosing a life for my clan!"
  4. Your eyesight started to go blurry as blood gushes from your wound and Ripplewave has you pinned down. You soon black out.
  5. You wake up and see less cats, Ripplewave is gone, you get up still helping you clan fight. The Stoneclan cats flee and you win the battle! You weakly pad back to camp and sit by the medicine cat den. You look down and realize a small puddle of blood is forming around your paws. You try to stay on your paws but you fall weakly with a loud thud and moan. The last thing you see is Robinpaw running towards you calling your name.
  6. You wake up to see Feathernose applying cobweb to your wound and Thunderclaw pacing back and forth.
  7. You groan softly as the herbs sooth your injury. "Thanks Feathernose." You croak and sit upright. "How long is it going to get me to heal?" Feathernose looked at you with her wide green stare, "oh wow your awake already?" You nod your head absently as you stare at Thunderclaw and Frostbite talking to each other lovingly in front of you. Thunderclaw by the time stopped pacing and was talking to Frostbite.
  8. Thunderclaw saw your staring and flicked his ear knowingly. You turn your head back to Feathernose who looks at you with her wise knowingly eyes. You change the subject quickly and say, "im going to be naming all the apprentices except Flowerpaw since she JUST. Started her apprenticeship." Feathernose nodded and her tail twitched. "Are you going to make te announcement today?" You look at her wide eyed, "of course I will!" Feathernose laughed and flicked her tail playfully over your nose, "well then go make the announcement." You pad out with Feathernose, Thunderclaw, and Frostbite. You leap on to the ledge halfway and scramble up the rest of the way. "All cats ol' enough to catch their own prey please join me beneath the ledge." Your voice rings out three the hallow.
  9. All the cats came running out of their dens and skidded to halt by the ledge. "I have a special announcement to tell you all! We are making six more warriors join this clan." You paused as you see the group of six apprentoces talking rapidly to each other, their ears flicked excitedly.
  10. "Icepaw is now called Icefang, Spiritpaw is now Spiritbreeze, Robinpaw is now Robinclaw, Owlpaw is now Owltail, Snowpaw is now Snowfall, and Smokeypaw is now Smokeyeyes." You look down at the new warriors who were congratulated by the other cats. You wave your tail and jump down nimbly.
  11. Okay I'm going to stop here bye everyone !! I might make part 8 I don't know but I am starting a new series called "abandoned but not alone~~~~lovestory#1"
  12. Oh and one last question, "who do you like?"

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