War of my heart ~part 1~

Hello, and welcome to my story quiz! Ok, it's not your usual quiz, so try and keep up with it, and yes, this is the beginning! Thank you for taking this!!! Luv from Jess!

Right, characters! Ashley- blonde hair, blue eyes, boy... Cody- Brown hair, Hazel eyes, boy... Darren- Black hair, green eyes, boy... Cat- Brown hair, blue eyes, girl... Sophia- Rhianna hair, (I forgot her eye colour!), girl... Troy- White hair, yellow eyes, boy... Plz comment and rate!

Created by: js0cj
  1. THIS IS THE BEGINNING! Just then, the table flew up in flames. Everyone jumped out of their seats and stared at it. Your Dan yells, "EVERYONE OUT OF THE HOUSE!" and everyone rushed out of the front door. You were the last one to the door, but your dad, who was in front of you, closed the door on you and locked it from the outside, locking you inside. You bang on the door, but your dad, through the window of the door, mouths, "Sorry ___, we can't live with a mutant. You're not my daughter anymore!" and he turns and walks to the rest of the family and drive away. You turn around and stare at the growing fire before you, corning you. You lean against the corner wall, tears coming from your eyes. You watch the fire get closer, and you slide down the wall and bury your face in your knees. You can feel the fire getting closer, consuming the room around you, and you maybe soon. The heat was terrible, so hot you felt like you were going to melt. Then, slowly, your eyes dropped closed, and you collapse on the floor, the fire eating at you...
  2. (Me; Just cope with me here!) All you feel is a burning sensation. All you smell is brunt wood. All you taste is blood. All you hear is footsteps. All you see is black. "Guys, she's here!" you hear a worried voice say. You feel a heavy wooden beam being lifted off you. You hear more footsteps running towards you. Another beam is lifted off you, and someone lifts you up. They press two fingers on your neck, and then say, "She's still alive. We'll have to hurry!" They then carry you and then they sit down, while still sitting down. You hear car doors closing, and then car starting. They are all silent on the twenty minute drive, and the car stops. The person carries you inside. Up some stairs, along a corridor, through a door, down some more stairs, along more corridors, down some more stairs, and through a door. They put you down on a soft bed. And then, silence...
  3. (Me; Just cope with me here!) All you feel is a burning sensation. All you smell is brunt wood. All you taste is blood. All you hear is footsteps. All you see is black. "Guys, she's here!" you hear a worried voice say. You feel a heavy wooden beam being lifted off you. You hear more footsteps running towards you. Another beam is lifted off you, and someone lifts you up. They press two fingers on your neck, and then say, "She's still alive. We'll have to hurry!" They then carry you and then they sit down, while still sitting down. You hear car doors closing, and then car starting. They are all silent on the twenty minute drive, and the car stops. The person carries you inside. Up some stairs, along a corridor, through a door, down some more stairs, along more corridors, down some more stairs, and through a door. They put you down on a soft bed. And then, silence...
  4. You slowly open your eyes. Your vision is a blur, and you can't make anything out. You move your arms to rub your eyes, but they hurt too much, and you scream, "OWW!" You hear someone shuffle, and run towards you. "___, are you ok?" they say. It sounds like a boy. You blink a couple of times and your slight comes back to normal. The first thing you see is bright blue eyes. So dreamy, you could just melt into them. The next this you see is blonde hair. You put them together and see a boy, your age, looking down at you. What is your first reaction?
  5. I'm guessing you screamed! If not, you did, ok? You scream, and the boy backs away, a little startled. "___, are you ok? Are you hurt?" he says. You stop screaming, and try to move, but you can't. You too hurt! You look at the boy, scared. Then you realise he's quite hot! "___, are you ok?" he asks again. You stare, still shocked, not knowing what to say or think. Just then, another boy walks up behind the blonde boy.
  6. He has brown hair, and the hazel eyes... And should I say that he is also very hot!!! "Oh ___! You're awake! Are you ok?" He asks. "Um... Er..." You mumble, still scared. "___, can you talk?" Brownie asks, stepping in front of blondey. "Er... Yer..." You say. Brownie looks relieved. "Oh good!" He says. "Where am I? Who are you? What happened? Why am I hurt? Is this a dream? Are you going to hurt me?" You ask. "Well, you're at our house; I'm Cody, this is Ashley *points at blondey*, and the others are upstairs; there was a fire at you house; the fire got to you; this is not a dream; no, we're here to help you, not to hurt you," Cody says. "How did you remember all my questions?" You ask. He chuckles, and then says, "Well, you're not the only mutant!"
  7. "WHAT!" You shout. Cody and Ashley laugh. "This isn't funny! I thought I was the only mutant!" You say, somehow manages to sit up, even though you were hurting. You then notice yourself. You skin was red, and it looks like you're got burnt, but the burnt parts went. "___, do you remember the fire?" Ashley asks. You can only remember a little, so nod. "No you don't! All you can remember is closing your eyes and being really hot!" Ashley says. You stare at him. He taps his head, and Cody explains, "Ashley can read minds." You sigh. "Oh great, now I have someone who will be going through my privet life in my head!" You say. Ashley laughs, and says, "Don't worry, I won't look at your privet life, like the time you thought Zac Evron was hot!" You stare shocked at him, but then he laughs. "Right, back to the fire! You started the fire because you were angry at your parents. They were giving you a hard time because people were telling them you were weird, alien, mutant..." Cody says. "But I am a mutant!" You say, and Cody nods. "Yes, there are many mutants out there, even some that are famous, like Johnny Depp, Cheryl Cole, and even the President!" Cody says. Just then, there is a knock on the door.
  8. Everyone looks over and some pokes their head around the corner. It's a girl! (Me; Yer, you though you were the only girl in the world!!! :P) She has blonde hair and green eyes. She walks in, smiling to see you awake. She skips over to you and says, "___, you're alright! Everyone was worried about you! I'll go tell them you're up!" She then smiles to the two boys, and then skips out. You turn to the boys, and Ashley says, "Oh, she's Cat. She lives here too!" You shout at him, "What did I say about invading my mind?" He looks at his shoes and mumbles a sorry. "So, why am I here?" You ask. "Mostly because you have no home to go back to, and if you do go back within the humans, they'll discover you," Cody says. You sigh. Just then, Ashley says, "Hey ___, wanna get some food?" You say, "Sure!" Cody looks confused at you. "Sure what?" He asks. You look at Ashley to find him smirking. He then says, without moving his mouth, "LOL!" You glare at him, but then stand up and walk towards the door.
  9. Ashley and Cody follow you. Cody takes the lead and you follow him down many corridors, up and down many stairs, through many doors, in till you all got to what looked like the kitchen. Very hungry, since the last time you ate was breakfast the day before, because you set the table on fire before you could eat dinner. You run to where there is a plate of toast on the table. You gobble it down, like a pig which hasn't eaten for a year. Ashley and Cody laugh at you. Just then, someone comes in the kitchen.
  10. It's a girl! Cat to be in fact! "Hey guys, ___! Oh, everyone wants to met ___, so as soon as you're done, come to the living room," she says, and then walks back out. You finish your toast and then Cody and Ashley show you to the living room. You walk in to see four people sat around on the several sofa. There are two girl, one being Cat, and two boys. The other girl has short red Rhianna hair and shinning brown eyes. The first boy you see has died white hair, and yellow eyes, which you guessed he's got contacts on. Total cover-up! The other boy looks like a Goth. He's got black hair that covers his face, and piecing green eyes. He's sitting in the corner, trying to be invisible.
  11. Everyone, except the Goth, smiles a hello at you. You, Ashley and Cody sit down on a sofa together, you sitting in the middle of both boys. "Right everyone, this is ___, she's our new resident here at Mutant Manna. ___, I'll introduce everyone for you. Well, you already know I'm Cody. I can control the weather. My nickname is Bolt, because I usually create a storm. Ashley, you're up next," Cody says. Ashley smiles, and says, "Hello Gorgeous, I'm Ashley the Amazing, and you already know I can read minds. And no, I'm not a weirdo like you think. And no again, I'm not flirting cause I like you. I'm a natural." You blush, hating the fact he was reading your mind.
  12. "What's you're nickname?" You ask Ashley. He smiles and says, "Some may call me the hidden one. Some may call me the ghost. Some may call me the utter weirdo. But you may call me, wave..." You can't help but laugh at Ashley, and Cody rolls his eyes. "If you didn't get the message, his nickname is Wave," Cat says, rolling her eyes as well. "If you're quite done now Ashley, I'll go next. So ___, I'm Cat, and I'm a manipulator and creator of ice. And my nickname is Frost," Cat says, walking over and giving you a icy hand shake. She sits back down again.
  13. "Troy next," Cody says, and the white haired guy says, "Hey ___, I'm Troy, and I can manipulate metal, but can't make it *sad face*. My nickname is Rust!" You smile at him, and then Cody says, "Right, Darren." The Goth boy looks up, but then mumbles, "Pass to Sophia." The other girl stands up and looks like she's going to explode. "No passes you little b***h! Why, you're going to..." She shouts, and Troy stands up and tries to calm her down. "Troy, f**k off!" She shouts. "I said f*-" she starts, but then Troy leans in and kisses her. Sophia pulls away straight away, but she's calmed down. "C**p," she mumbles, and silently sits back down, looking shocked. Troy sits down as well, blushing a little. "Well, since she's a little shocked, I'll tell you," Cody says. "So, this is Sophia, and her power is to control feelings. The thing is, she hasn't fully learnt to control them yet, and they backfire on her, making her angry. The only way to bring her back to normal is by changing her feeling, which Troy helps with. And yes, they are going out BTW! Her nickname is Dream, because she works best at night." You try to smile at Sophia, but she totally blanks you.
  14. "Now it's your turn Darren," Cody says, and Darren sighs, slouches more in his chair, and says. "Darren..." and then he stands up and walks out of the room. Cody sighs, and says, "So that was Darren. You can't touch his skin, because if you do he drains your powers, and you black out. Well, I say drains, he just borrows them... And his nickname is, oh, I forgot, he doesn't have a nickname because he hates his power, and doesn't want a nickname..." Cody says. You nod, and everyone looks at you. "You're turn ___," Ashley says.
  15. "Well..." You stutter. "I'm ___, and I can create and manipulate fire. I don't have a nickname yet, so... Yer..." You say. Everyone smiles except for Sophia, who is still looking shocked. "Do you want a nickname?" Cody asks. You nod. "It can be something cool, like... The Super Sonic Fire Girl from the middle of a forest who is the coolest and hotest girl EVER!" Ashley laughs, and you laugh. Everyone rolls their eyes at Ashley. "How about Flame?" Cat suggests. "Sounds a bit like a boys name..." You say, and Cat frowns at herself. "What about Hotshot, because you are one?" Ashley says, and Cody leans behind you and slaps him. You laugh when you see Ashley's face as he stands up and walks out the room. "What about... Torch? Lights the way, key in things, like the Olympic games, and has something to do with fire!" Troy says. "Yer, perfect!" You say. "Ok, Torch it is then!" Cody smiles. Just then, there is a scream from upstairs...
  16. Yer, this is a cliffhanger!!! So, final question... Who do you like? Troy's got a GF btw, so he's not an option!

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