Vampire Love Part 1

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I'm so sorry it was short! I promise the next will be better! If there is a next time.... I'm a guy so its probolly stupid srry. I really am sorry. Please comment and rate. I'm sorry it was so short! Byeeeer

I'm so sorry it was short! I promise the next will be better! If there is a next time.... I'm a guy so its probolly stupid srry. I really am sorry. Please comment and rate. I'm sorry it was so short! Byeeee.

Created by: Jake101
  1. Okay so I'm a boy and this is for girls so I hope its not too bad
  2. Your a girl with long brown hair and green eyes. Your name is Juliet. Lets start...
  3. Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee- You slam your fist on your alarm clock. You groan and sit up. Last day of school,you think. Stay with me Juliet. You slowly walk toword your closet and pick out....
  4. You slid down the banister to go downstairs and go to the kitchen. For breckfast you eat....
  5. You get on the bus and ride it to school. When you get off you see your ex. He has black hair and purple ( yes purple) eyes. You broke up with him because he became EMO. You think...
  6. You walk inside and go to your locker. Inside is...
  7. You get your gym cloths and walk to gym. You think...
  8. You play vollyball and get hit in the head with a ball by your enemy, Jessica. She has tan skin,blue eyes, and Blondel hair.
  9. When you walk to the nurse, you see your ex. He pushes you aginst a locker and fangs pop out of his mouth.
  10. I'm so sorry it was short! I promise the next will be better! If there is a next time.... I'm a guy so its probolly stupid srry. I really am sorry. Please comment and rate. I'm sorry it was so short! Byeeeer

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