Unbiased Political Quiz

All of the political spectrum quizzes have a statist bias. This one does not. Are you a socialist? Probably. But if you're not, finally there's a quiz that gives you choices you'll find acceptable.

Are you a socialist? Probably. But if you're not, finally there's a quiz that gives you choices you'll find acceptable. All of the political spectrum quizzes have a statist bias. This one does not.

Created by: Jason Seagraves
  1. Is it ever acceptable to initiate violence or deceive someone in order to meet some personal, social, or political objective?
  2. Are taxes a morally legitimate means to fund police, courts, and military?
  3. Would it be acceptable to fund government police, courts, and military via private and voluntary contributions?
  4. What do you think of the Federal Reserve System?
  5. What did you think of the Henry Louis Gates incident?
  6. Do you support the troops?
  7. What do you think of the idea of competing, non-government police, court systems, and "collective defense" agencies -- purely voluntary and not tax funded?
  8. What is your view on homosexuality?
  9. What is your view on abortion?
  10. Okay, now seriously: Is it ever acceptable to initiate violence or deceive someone in order to meet some personal, social, or political objective? Are taxes ever acceptable? Is the state itself, which requires a monopolization of defense and dispute adjudication, moral

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