2007 Political Awareness Test

This is a quiz to test your political awareness. This is a non-partisan, unbiased test of your knowledge. See if you can guess my political persuasion - I did my best to hide it, but maybe one question could give my leanings away.

Too many Americans are blind to what is going on around them. Are you an idiot or a true patriot? Do you deserve to be deported or executed, or should you be exalted and allowed to vote? Take this test to find out.

Created by: Waverly's Dad

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  1. Which of the following is not in any way part of the Bush Administration, and never has been?
  2. Which of the following is not a candidate for the 2008 Democratic Party's presidential nomination?
  3. Which of the following is not a candidate for the Republican Party's 2008 presidential nomination?
  4. Which of the following U.S. senators is a Democrat?
  5. Which of the following U.S. senators is a Republican?
  6. Who was the Speaker of the House directly before Nancy Pelosi?
  7. What is the conservative caucus of the Democrats known as?
  8. Which of these third parties is most closely associated with the "Religious Right"?
  9. Which of the following individuals was not a candidate for president in 2004?
  10. Under the Constitution, who has the power to declare war?
  11. What is the highest marginal rate that people pay on their federal income taxes?
  12. Who is Ben Bernanke?
  13. As of April 3, 2007, what is the federal minimum wage per hour?
  14. How much does the government take out of workers' paychecks to pay benefits to current social security beneficiaries?
  15. The U.S. has the largest economy in the world. Which of these countries is #2?
  16. What is China's currency called?
  17. Which third party is most outspoken against the death penalty?
  18. Who is Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
  19. As of April 3, 2007, which of the following Democratic candidates has served the most time in the U.S. Senate
  20. Which of the following Republican candidates has historically been pro-choice and pro-gay-rights?
  21. There have been three U.S. Senators who have been elected as Independents in recent years. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
  22. On what issue do hardcore conservative Republicans and most of the leading Democratic contenders in 2008 agree?
  23. Which recent president balanced the budget, deregulated more aspects of the economy, and passed a federal law defining marriage as being between a man and a woman?
  24. What third party is most outspoken against restrictions on free trade?

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