Today sucks. :/ | Comments

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  • Hi Firey_Soul!!! I hope that you feel better and that you return to ur happy self.

  • firey_soul, your not gonna believe me, but i know EXACTLY how you feel. ive been there. seriously. you might think im just saying this to make you feel better, but im not. my 'best friends' are never there for me. they always call me names, and we always get into these huge fights. just cause im spanish/indian doesn't mean i don't got feelings! some people say go back to mexico (im NOT MEXICAN!! NOT ALL SPANISH PEOPLE ARE MEXICAN!)or go back to india. jeez people!! yea i ignore it, and yea they're joking, but it hurts. my parents? they think im a goody goody who never does wrong and that all of a sudden im 'rebelling' against them. every time i get something wrong, like if i forget to unload the dishwasher, or if i get ONE B on my report card, im screwed. i used to get all A's, but now im getting like A's and like 1-3 B's, and my parents consider that horrible! gosh. i don't wanna see their reaction if i ever get a F. and my brother? he annoys the firetruck outta me.

    well yea. when life gives you lemons, find a kid with a paper cut.

    or is it

    when life gives you skittles, throw them at people while screaming "TASTE THE F*****G RAINBOW!"

  • Hey Firey_Soul :) Life does suck, I totally agree. But it's also freaking amazing. You've just got to try to appreciate all the good things in life. Have a proper talk to your mum about how she's making you feel, or if you can't bring yourself to talk to her, talk to someone else you can trust instead. Get all your problems out in the open. And as for cutting...I've self harmed, I still sometimes do, and it's awful-just try to resist the urge to do it. I chew gum, it helps as a distraction and it calms me down. But the fact that you are cutting and starving yourself, this shows that you need help. You're not alone. So many more people are suffering with you, and we're always here to support you. Hope this helps! :)

  • Thanks Firey! Now... Could you cheer me up?

  • *sniff* Gah, I love you guys so much! :') *group hug* Well, it's the next day and I'm more or less back to my normal self. I honestly don't know what was wrong with me... I guess we all have our b----y, emotional days and well...that was mine. :P I'm not always like that, believe me. Thanks again to anyone who commented, if you're ever having a crappy day, I'll do my best to make you feel better. :) x3

  • No one cares about you? What about all the Paranormal Love fans? What about everyone in these comments? What about... me? *sings* "Reach for my hand, 'cuz it's held out for you. My shoulders are small, but you can cry on them too. Everything changes, but one thing is true," I care about you. I'm not gonna let you fall.

    TNMEBDMS girl
  • Of course the email didn't show up wolfgirl41098 @yahoo(.)com no spaces or parethiese

  • No one cares for you?? Lol that has to be a joke right?? Very funny no seriously tons of people care for look how many ppl are reaching out to now... Ppl are here to listen to you. If you want to talk my email is [no emails](m) No parethiese. If you ever need to talk I'm here.

  • Its OK firey, i understand you. Remember what you wrote at the end of Paranormal Love? You said "stay epic!" So take your own advice- make another quiz in your series, and make it epic! This is not the Firey i know! (Pokes) i know she's in there somewhere! And your not ugly or neat. In fact, you're not anythin! Your a Firey-Souled girl with the best type of personality- the one that is undescribable and amazing.

  • hey we have a lot in common!

    ok that didnt help cheer me up. i just wasted comment of your quiz again.

  • now you feel the pain of my life. my mom thinks thatmy little sister is better than me. she gets good grades, responsible. and i am the one you just described yourself about. even my teacher thinks that i have low self esteem... great... now im expressing my feelings. dont worry. your not the only person who was alone. (thanks a lot gita! i became a loner because of your advise!)

  • Hey Allissa I have been a fan for a while now didnt know about this website until like 3 weeks ago but you are my fav. writer on here please dont be sad :[ we are always here for you us GTQ fans.

    Beautiful Games
  • May the odds be ever in your favor...

    Beautiful Games
  • You can email me if you want to it's, musicmonster568@gma il(.)com (no parenthises) if you wanna talk or anything. I'm here for you.

  • lusangel29@hotmail( .)com

  • This seriously pains me to see you like this Firey_Soul, if I was there with you right now I would honestly knock some sense into you mom, no offense but that's how I am. I know you and I don't talk much but I want you to know that I care a lot about and I will always be here for you. As a matter of fact everyone

    is here for you even though sometimes it

    doesn't seem like it. I can't say I know how it feels like because I truly don't but there is always a time in life where we feel like we hit rock bottom and feel like c**p, but you just have to look around you and there you will see a rainbow. Your probably wondering why I'm saying a rainbow- I'm saying rainbow because of this......

    "Ever ybody wants happiness, no body wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."

    Basically I'm saying that there will always be times in your life where you feel like this but in the end a rainbow will shine through those stormy clouds.

    Here's my email address, sent me an email if you ever want to talk. [no emails]

  • I'm sorry, dude :(. Well if I was your best friend I would go over and try to cheer you up that's for damn sure. I know how you feel though. My real dad hardly ever sees me. Last time I saw him I was seven (I'm twelve). This isn't about me though this is about you. People DO care about you Allissa (That's how you spell it right?). I mean you have another family and it's us GTQ members. I love you (no homo)!! Anyways, Please don't cut yourself or anything please :( I have a friend who does that and it depresses me the fudge out. You should watch smosh or danisnotonfire right now maybe that'll cheer you up. Don't be sad anymore, okay? I promise you'll get through this. I hope you feel better soon. Promise me you'll be okay *holds out pinky*. Just know I care! Okay well feel better soon once again, okay? Bye fellow danosaur!

  • No no It's ok that you got my name wrong sometime's I do it to. And no you are amazing. And thank you I have like this thing where I have to put quotes on something, and if I don't I go like crazy. And no probs ivory.

  • oh gosh. I meant f(ick)le. Why won't they let me post that? :\

  • I just saw this now because xbox told me. She's great isn't she. Anyways, you truly are amazing. Don't listen to what your mom tells you because first of all we can't help but be who we are. She is dumb enough to not realize that it's just WHO you are and that's what makes you so unique and amazing. When we are hurt, or flared up in a fight, we say things we don't mean. We take it ALL out of each other and I've been in those with my mom, my dad. My brother totally ignores me but I'm still cheery around him because I know he cares. So I'm not going to say, "Oh, I know how you feel." Because that's just a shallow response. No offense to you know, anyone. Whenever I'm in a fight or something, my brother isn't there for me. But I guess that's okay because I have my REALLY REALLY close friends. So go ditch your best friend with a bi*** slap and find another. I know it's probably hard to find another but just be yourself. You're amazing and it sucks that only people here can see that. When I'm crying on the floor or something, I get so sentimental. I pick myself up and say, "This isn't over. No matter just how hard life gets, it awards us with something better and everything will work out if I try." That is a quote by me xD Seriously, I learned that and things do work out if you believe. I know that sounds f---le or something but stay upbeat. Be optimistic.

    Okay...that was long. If I were near you in any way, I'd go to the nearest store, buy all the fudging candy there is and sit down with you so we could have a smosh marathon or something. You deserve it. Smile :)

  • *xbox360fan... I'm so sorry I got your name wrong! D:

  • @xbox369fan: I have 3 things to say: 1. Sorry you had to deal with that, in a way, I know how you feel. :/ 2. Thank you for calling me "amazing" even though I know I'm not. 3. I love those quotes.

    @booknerd224: Yeah, at least I have my online friends. Sometimes I feel like some of you care about me more than my own family.

    And OMG! I totally forgot about Anthony and Dan! I guess I'm really that out of it. >.> Oh God.

    Anywho, thanks for saying that. I do feel a teeny bit better. You rock. 'Nuff said.

  • I really don't know you that well, but by just taking you're quizes I know you're a good person. My real dad would abuse me when I was younger I still have my scar's, but after year's of healing mentally I managed to recover. I still feel a lot of pain. Ok enough about me. The world of GTQ love's you're writeing if they have ever read it which I'm sure they have because you're amazing. I can't stand for anyone to be sad, even though I may be. That's not my point you need to cheer up life is full of wonderful thing's that haven't come yet.

    "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."

    "Everyth ing will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

    "It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives."

  • Aww.Alot of people care about you,right here on gotoquiz, even if you don't know them in real life.Trust me, if GTQ posted this on the new quiz list, people would be lining up to make you feel better.Everyone who has read your works loves you.Did you see that person that posted a quiz about Paranormal Love on here?I don't see anyone posting quizzes like that for xxblutixx's quizzes, or Dannica's.You are so awesome, you have 3 internet stars as your husbands!Not even Smosh or Danisnotonfire is cheering you up?This is serious.I hope you feel better soon.Just remember, lots of people care about you, and you are a awesome person.I look up to you.Feel better, okay?


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