Time Less Love Part 10

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Ok here's number ten. Sorry it took so long but it's ok. Now you get to have fun with the new quiz make sure to comment and rate if you'd like me to make anopther it gets more intrewsting in this one

So Many twists and turns and wait until the next quiz too this is going to be intresting. I can't even wait. I worked on this so LIKE IT DARN IT and enjoy =)

Created by: BlackandWhite
  1. Ok we left off at the point where you got finished an awesome date with Henry. As you and Henry head home he begins to act strangely. Henry drives and turns off a dirt road where you stop at a clearing. Then with no one knowing where you are, out of nowhere...comes Moral.
  2. ."Henry?" You say worriedly grabbing hold of his arm while keeping your eyes on Moral. You hang on desperately to Henry as Moral gives you an arrogant smirk. "Henry!" you say turning to him and to you utter shock Henry has the same wide smirk on his face. His eyes are hollow and his smile devilish he looks...evil...like Moral. What are you thinking?
  3. You look back and forth between them both and you finally turn to Henry. "You're in on this?" you ask. Henry merely smiles at you. "_______, I know this seems ...odd," he begins, "but I just don't think you can really be any use to us. Let alone saving the world, you're just...useless." Henry retorts with his smile growing wider as if he were speaking to a mentally challenged idiot. What are you thinking?
  4. ."Henry!" you holler growing angry and with that Moral grabs your arm firmly and pulls you out seeming strong for a 14 year old girl. You struggle with all your might it's no use her grip is like iron. What do you yell?
  5. As you scream Moral ignores your cries and continues to drags you toward the center of the clearing by your hair. Ow. Henry gets out of the car still with his irritating smile as if the whole or ordeal is very amusing. "What are you doing!" You yell at Moral as she continues to drags you. "You'll see," you can't see her but you can practically hear the smiling eagerness in her voice. She finally gets you to the center and stops still gripping you by your hair. She stands there searching the sky silently as Henry stares at Moral intently. What are you thinking?
  6. After a moment you see something flash across the sky. It's fast like a shooting and there are two. Strangely one pink and another looked green. In the next moment two figures landed hard on the edge of the clearing in the shadows, Moral watched them the whole time and smiling even more when they landing she looked devilish and vile. What are you thinking?
  7. As the figures approaches you they begin to become clearer and you see that they are two other girls wearing the same dresses as Moral but in different colors. There is one in a soft green and she looks Indian. Long black hair, cinnamon colored flawless skin, with slender features. She seems the shortest, maybe 4feet'8inches. The other in pink. She has red hair with pale skin. She has striking dark brown eyes and rosy cheeks and lips. She is the tallest and seems 5foot'9inches. Moral and the red head both look at you with sly smiles that sends chills down your spine as the Indian girl stays blank faced. What are you thinking now?
  8. ."Surprised?" Moral says looking down at you still with a firm grip on your hair. Your so terrified. It's not just Moral behind all the trouble going on it's a team of them! (Didn't see that coming now did yah? =P I'm such a stinker) Wait until the guys hear about this think to yourself. "Sorry but you won't get the chance to tell the boys, sorry," The Indian girls says with a blank face. What's your reaction?
  9. "What!?!?" Moral yells furiously, "You actually think you'll live through this?" She says piercingly holding tighter to your hair making your entire head sting. You let out a whimper of pain and without warning she back slaps you across the face, making you taste blood in your mouth and making your eyes water from the instant pain. You lay there on the cold damp ground hearing the blood in your ears and your heavy breathing . Moral raising her foot above your body "You stupid b*itch...," Moral practically growls and just as she's about to bring her foot down n you body. A yellow energy blast hits her in the stomach throwing her back about 12 feet. Everyone in the clearing turns to face the direction the blast had came from, and there stands..... Cliffhanger =P oh aren't I bad? =)
  10. Are you going to comment and rate because if you do I'll make more. But if you don't I might not bother

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