This is a shoutout quiz to my friends

opy down your title and this secret passphrase. You'll need them if you have to log back into this quiz. Request new phrase. Alternately, you can edit unfinished quizzes from your ItsBrycen profile page. Links are on the side bar.

Next, please write a simple paragraph that will appear after quiz-takers get their result. Have a web site?If you have a web site or blog and want its link to appear on your quiz, enter the info here. Otherwise leave blank

Created by: ItsBrycen
  1. Angel, your my bff and sister. I love talking with you everyday it's feels nice
  2. Cinnamon_Roll Your one my Bestfriends, Your funny and amazing keep it up.
  3. Acrimony aka Master Kiwi, your an amazing mod and I love talking with.
  4. Elly a good friend of mine, your very kind and sweet which is awesome.
  5. June your an amazing bestfriend and Mother, it feels nice to talk and play with you.
  6. Spice your my wife and bestfriend, Your very sweet and kind also caring.
  7. Drekk you are the coolest mod around, your an strange but awesome dude I like that.
  8. Nix your a very interesting person with all of your characters and art which is very cool and amazing.
  9. Jacob, your a fun, weird, person, althought we don't talk a whole lot your still a cool person
  10. Summer, you a cool person to talk with, your a nice, loveable, and caring person
  11. And to all of the other beautiful people I missed your all amazing

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