the which game charector are you quiz

which gaming charector are most like out of mario luigi bowser sonic or tails its all your choice as you take this wonderful quiz remeber its more awesome than me

which gaming charector are most like out of mario luigi bowser sonic or tails its all your choice as you take this wonderful quiz remember its more awesome than me

Created by: moo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what personalitly do you have
  2. what games do you like
  3. whats your favourite colour
  4. if you could do anything what would it be
  5. are you awesome
  6. are you lazy
  7. why are you taking this quiz
  8. which is better nintendo, sega or random place a
  9. which charector do you want to be
  10. are you bored

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Quiz topic: The which game charector am I quiz