The Very Clever Quiz

Find out how clever you are!!!!Find out how clever you are!!!!Find out how clever you are!!!!Find out how clever you are!!!!Find out how clever you are!!!!

Find out how clever you are!!!!Find out how clever you are!!!!Find out how clever you are!!!!Find out how clever you are!!!!Find out how clever you are!!!!(I didn't know what else to write.

Created by: James Newton
  1. Who was the creator of Eykleideia Geometry?
  2. Which river is the longest?
  3. What happened at 1789?
  4. Who is the creator of this mathematic type: E=MC2
  5. You fight with a guy and you lose. Then, you fight back and you lose again. You are doing this for 10 times, but you lose all fights. Why?
  6. How many questions have I asked?
  7. What is beyond universe?
  8. Who is the creator of quiz?
  9. Are these difficult questions?
  10. Last question?

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