The Ultimate Mystreet Quiz

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Hi I'm Addison I'm 17 and very close to getting into finals and the youngest in my family but anyways enough about me By the way if you seen every episode of every season of my street then you'll fly through this quiz.

This quiz is called the Ultimate MyStreet quiz if you're not familiar with MyStreet Then you might not be familiar with Aphmau If so go check out her channel I am what you would call a huge fan btw all the Questions are about my street/phoenix drop high.

Created by: Wintersnow789
  1. Did Aphmau not have a dad/Father figure in high school?
  2. Did Have a Not alone buddy in high school?
  3. If so what was their name.
  4. Who was Kawaii Chan ship?
  5. (Going to MyStreet season one) Who moved across from Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii Chan.
  6. Who wanted to kiss Aphmau under the mistletoe?
  7. Who tried to steal Christmas?
  8. Who did Aphmau kiss on the cheek under the mistletoe?
  9. (Moving to season 2) Where did Aphmau and the gang go for Vacation.
  10. Who Surprised Aphmau and Aaron at love-love Paradise?
  11. Who did they leave at home?
  12. Did Aaron ask Aphmau to move in with him?
  13. If so what did she say.
  14. (Moving to season 3) Did Zane turn into a baby.
  15. Does Aphmau love babies?
  16. Did Aphmau Open a maid café
  17. Did Aphmau And Aaron take some time off from each other?
  18. (Moving to season 4) Did Aaron go to Abandoned Lodge.
  19. Who went with Aaron?
  20. Did someone get possessed by a ghost?
  21. If so who was it.
  22. Did Aphmau “ Kill Aaron”
  23. What happened after Aaron was saved by Irene?
  24. What did Aaron say before Aphmau snapped out of the forever Potion?
  25. (Moving to Aphmau's year) How long did she stay with her mother.
  26. How long does Aphmau have to wait to see Aaron?
  27. What type of magic does Aphmau learn?
  28. Where does Aphmau go to see Aaron?
  29. (Moving to season 5) who does Aphmau mistakes to be Aaron.
  30. Where does Aphmau Finally see Aaron?
  31. Does Aaron turn Aphmau into a werewolf?
  32. Did Aaron Propose to Aphmau?
  33. What happens when Aaron sees Ein at starlight?
  34. What happens after Garroth looks into Aaron's eyes?
  35. (Moving to season 6) who are looking for the gang.
  36. Why is the gang hiding?
  37. How did Aphmau “die”
  38. What happened to Derek?
  39. What happened when Aaron was out of the void?
  40. What happened to Zane, Lucinda, and Aaron?
  41. What happened to Aaron?
  42. What does Travis say to Aphmau while holding her hand?

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