Which MCD Character Are You?

Welcome to my quiz! This will determine which character from Aphmau's Minecraft Diaries series you are! These may not be the most accurate results, but we'll see!

THIS IS DIARIES NOT MYSTREET!!! If you don't watch MCD, this will be very confusing. Also, heads up, I'm at the beginning of S3, so this won't be accurate for the end, just up to where I am.

Created by: MagentaBean
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What would OTHERS describe you as?
  3. What is your choice of weapon? (If you were in the MCD universe)
  4. Which Divine Warrior is your favorite? (Or which relic would you like to have?)
  5. What role would you like to have in the MCD universe?
  6. The MCD cast is dangling over the edge of a pool of lava. Who do you save first?
  7. Where would you want to live?
  8. Which of these situations sounds most appealing to you? Each will say your political/economical status (how the world sees you), your social status (your friends), and your mental status. THIS QUESTION WILL HAVE THE BIGGEST EFFECT SO MAKE IT COUNT!!!
  9. Who do you want to get?
  10. Are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Which MCD Character am I?
