The Ultimate GTA V Quiz!

The city of Los Santos and wasteland of Blaine County sure do have alot to offer. Since 2013, people have ripping this game apart, trying to find every last detail they can. Some you could even call San Andreas experts!

Are you one of these experts? Have you played this game enough to prove you're the very best, like no one ever was? Well, find out your GTA IQ today!!!

Created by: Braden VanMeter
  1. Who is the first character you play in Los Santos?
  2. Who killed the guard about to kill Michael in the prolouge mission?
  3. Who in the crew was killed in the prolouge mission?
  4. Who is Michael's first victim killed/harmed while you play as him.
  5. Lester has a _____due to his disease.
  6. The last mission Wade takes part in is called
  7. Who is Trevor's first victim you see killed in San Andreas?
  8. What was Michael's name before he changed it?
  9. What about afterwards?
  10. Trevor is the only one who can do _____ missions.
  11. In Rampage One, you kill
  12. In Rampage Two, you kill
  13. In Rampage Three, you kill
  14. In Rampage Four, you kill
  15. In Rampage Five, you kill

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