The Trasoners...Part three

The Treasoners...Part Three Please read part one and two before this. You will find part one on my profile: Sugercube, and part two on My main profile: Travins.

When you are done, pleasee comment and please rate. Also take my quizzez on my main profile:Sugercube.You will find part one on my profile: Sugercube, and part two on My main profile: Travins.

Created by: _Ace_
  1. I woke to a gentle shaking of my shoulders. "C'mon Change. Wake up kid. We got school today." I opened my eyes. Taylor. I gave him a sleepy smile. Then I rolled over on my side and pushed myself up. My hole body protested, each limb voicing its own aches. "Ow. Ow. Ow." Taylor looked at me and smile. "Your gonna be a little stiff. You were out for three days." Three days-Wait, why had I been knocked out? Oh,yeah. When Noah attacked me I fainted. Damn I must look weak. I stood up and almost fell. Taylor grabbed my arm and the look on his face made me laugh.
  2. Then I remembered the kiss. I looked at him, and he must be remembering to. "I'm sorry Change. You just looked so...I dunno. Pretty and helpless and sweet." I frowned. "Taylor..." He raised his head and met my eye. "Don't be sorry." And I stood on my toes and kissed him. He smiles and kisses me back. Then Noah walks in with a bag swung over his shoulder. He stops in the cave opening. Clearing his throat, he put the bag down. "I got her cloths Taylor." Noah avoided eye contact with me.
  3. Taylor picked up the bag and handed it to me. His face was red. Noah glared at me for a second, then left. I opened the bag, and sat down on the edge of the bed. I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, my blue jacket and a dark purple sweater. My white-paint splattered converse. Taylor leaned against a wall, watching me. "Get dressed princess." I looked up at him. "Leave. I'm not getting dressed with you in here." He laughs softly and walks out of the cave.
  4. I pull off the cloths I have on, take a rag and find a bucket of water by the wall. I scrub my self down, and braid my hair to the left. I slid on the pants, the shirt and the light jacket. I wash my face, put on my shoes and walk out of the cave. I must look better because a group of boys around the fire turns to stare. One whistles. I see Noah sitting by a tree. His head goes up and for just a second his eyes are filled with something other than hate-and get this- He smiles at me. I'm staring in disbelief, But he's already gone back to his music. Travins walks over and gives my braid a playful tug. I spin to face him.
  5. He looks me up and down. "C'mon. We have to go." He walks to the edge of the wood, shifts into his wolf form, and turns to look back at me. A steel gray wolf- with a bluish tent- walks up to my side. Taylor. He pushes me a little and I turn to face him. "want a ride?" He asked. "Or is the princess going to walk." He pushes me sideways a little. I growl quietly and shift. The wolf with a coat the color of dried blood, has been joined by two others. One , dark brown-Noah- And the other a deep tan. It was a female, and her sent told me she was a friend of Travins. He had his smell all over her. "That's Angel." Taylor says. Then we start walking.
  6. Noah keeps looking back at me and Taylor. "You don't fool me. I know your tricks." He says in my head. I know no one hears but me. "Stay away from Taylor. Play with fire and you're going to get burnt." I growl. What did he know? "Some times you have to play with fire to learn you can get burnt." I say back. He turns to look at Taylor. He must say something, for Taylor looks over at me and nods. I wonder what he said. But then e walk into the school. We shift back as we walk into the gates. Angel, takes Travins hand. I watch this with mock interest.
  7. Taylor looks over at me and holds out his hand. I smile and take it. I hear Noah sigh. Posters for a dance line the walls. –I had completely forgotten. The spring formal was tomorrow. Tomorrow. My eyes go wide. Oh god. I needed a dress. Sky was going- Sky. I had to talk to him. I had stopped walking, my eyes fixed on a poster. Taylor had left me alone. Noah stood on the right of me."He already knows." He followed me gaze to the poster. "Taylors not the dancing type. Your going to have to go with me." He smirks and hold out his hand. I frown. "Your kidding right?" I look at his hand with my eyebrow raised.
  8. He frowns and lowers his head. "Its been a while since I have gone anywhere with anyone. Why not you?" He sounds like it's the truth. I smile and take his hand, and he smiles back at me-The hate once more fades from his eyes and is replaced by something-lust, maybe-And I find myself falling into those eyes-And we start walking down the hall, Im enjoying the way his fingers are laced with mine. He keeps glancing over at me. The bell rings and he walks me to my locker. "I have to go to homeroom now." I say. He laughs softly. –His laugh was soft and yet deep-" Why don't we just skip?" He says. I raise an eyebrow. "For real?"he nods smiling at me. "For real."
  9. I grin and take his hand in mine. "We can get you a dress well were busy." I lace our fingers together and he leads me down the hall. We pass Taylor, and he has a hurt look on his face at the sight of me and Noah, walking hand in hand. I ignore it. Noah leads me out of the school. We reach the sidewalk and he pulls me into the woods. He quickly walks down a thin trail he seems to know well. "Well are we going anyway?" I ask looking at him. "Swimming." He answers. I stop in my tracks. "I-I don't have a suite." He looks at me and grins. "We could always go skinny dipping."
  10. I shake my head and smile at him. "Uh. Hell. No." He smiles at me and we reach a small pond. A lone cabin set on the other side. He smiled at me. "You'll find a bikini in there." And right there he strips down to his boxers and dives in, splashing me. "C'mon Change. The waters fine." I smile and walk to the cabin. A royal blue and white bikini set on a bed. I changed and ran out to the lake. I looked around. Noah was gone. Then suddenly I'm in water to my neck. I sputter and look to the shore. Noah's standing there, doubled over laughing at me. He had been hiding beside the cabin. And when I came out he had thrown me in. "I'm going to kill you!" I yell, but I don't sound to scary. He laughs harder.
  11. Then his head snaps up and he looks to the edge of the woods. People. With guns and crossbows. Hunters. He growls and shifts, and I go under the water. I stay under for some time, maybe three minutes. But then my lungs feel as if they are going to burst. I rise out. No ones there. And then I see Noah's crumpled figure on the shore bank. He has a knife sticking out of his chest. And I scream at the blood. "NOAH!" I feel myself swimming towards him. Then a man steps from the woods, raises a bow, and lets an arrow fly. It hits my head, and I sink under the water, unable to breath, and then the world goes black.
  12. (From Taylors veiw)He knew she had left the school with Noah. And he knew Noah hated her. But to kidnap her? He ran to her house after school. Empty. Were the hell was she? He checked with her old pack. They had no clue she was missing. Then he checked Noah's favorite places. He went to the pond that Noah often swam in. And he found blood on the shore. He kept his findings to himself. But late that night, he stood on a cliff. It overlooked the town and the woods were the pack stayed. He shifted and in his wolf form let out a deep and menacing growl. "I find you Change. And I'll kill Noah for hurting you."

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