The shout-out quiz

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This is not a real quiz. It is just a shout-out quiz. I am featuring amazing GoToQuiz users on this quiz. If you see your name in this quiz, that means that I appreciate you!

There are two results, and they are both exactly the same. It doesn't matter what you choose on this quiz because no matter what you choose, you're going to get the same result.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. The first shout-out goes to GinnyWeasleyBi!
  2. The second shout-out goes to AlexFierrro!
  3. The third shout-out goes to BiscuitBear37!
  4. The fourth shout-out goes to BoldNotCold!
  5. The fifth shout-out goes to Zimswife!
  6. The sixth shout-out goes to Ignited!
  7. The seventh shout-out goes to kennyzsq_!
  8. The eighth shout-out goes to hiiamdesiree!
  9. The ninth shout-out goes to kirifuseru!
  10. The tenth (last but definitely not least) shout-out goes to bieshu107345!

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