The Return of Cometlight | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Return of Cometlight.

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  • I don't know if you still come on here anymore, or if you even check your quiz comments, but I just want to let you know that even though I miss your writing very very much, it's much more important for you to find yourself. I just wanted to let you know that you are loved here, and if you ever need to vent or rant about something, we're here for you. If you just need someone to talk to, we're here for you. You will always have a place here because this is your home, and I hope you come back soon.

  • Back, and oh ;_; this whole thing just hits really close to home for me - firstly because it's you! And I never even knew >.< and I never did get around to commenting on Unforgiven and Unforgotten like I meant to (even though that's kinda a minor thing, I just hate how I meant to do so many things for you all and never did) *hugs* Secondly, I feel like I've been going through something similar for the past year as well - just breaking down when I used to be able to withstand so much more and unable to do things that seem really easy... plummeting grades just because I feel no motivation and feeling like a failure both as a cause and an effect. I also feel really bad for having also turned my back on my writing, so I understand that. Thirdly, I've had a lot of people close to me who have felt/are feeling this way, and each time... it's just heartbreaking how many people do feel like this, and it's terrible. Just... why. If there was an effective way I could truly send hugs, and love, and smiles, and warm wishes, and thank yous, and let people know that they ARE important and valued, I would. So far, the most I can do are little emote phrases, so *applauds and showers Comet with flowers and popcorn and happy pandas* I'll keep looking for that way.

    Thank you for this, Comet. I'm glad you're doing all right now, and I wish all the best for you. Stay strong, and keep in touch, my dear GTQ sister. It seems crazy through my screen and this crappy college Wi-Fi, but

    Love you

  • *spam clicks the 10 star rating* What do you mean there isn't a million star rating?

    alsk;djfaj eik COMETTTT!!! Oh my gosh. Oh my fluff. Oh my Gumbo. Oh my Jayden. Oh my life. I have class in 8 minutes, but just OH MY *curses curses curses*. COMET ;_; I want to hug you so badly right now, like ughhh, I love you D: *squish huggles so hard* I missed you... I... I... I... x.x ugh class x.x to be continued in 1.5 hours


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