The RainbowButt test

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There is only a few people who I know that could ace this test. And one of those people is me. If anyone else beats the test, him/her is know as the king or queen of awesomeness.

Can you beat this test? Can you figure it out and become the most awesome person ever? Find out by doing this test, and you will get accurate results! YAAAY!!!!

Created by: RainbowButt
  1. Ok, so... What are the two things that rainbowbutt stand for?
  2. Who is the eleventh doctor?
  3. How old do you think I am?
  4. What is a Wookie?
  5. Truth or false, This is my first quiz.
  6. What is MacGyver?
  7. Minecraft or Terraria?
  8. Yes or no?
  9. Am I a geek, nerd, or a lame person from what you have learned so far?
  10. What is a Filbert?
  11. Do you know everything now?
  12. Fart

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