The Premiere Of ***The Wolf Huntress***

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I wouldn't call this excatly a premiere of anything but it does have a sneak peek. Remember all those butt-kicking moives like Underworld, The Wolfman, and who could forget Van Helsing!

I had an idea including a mixer of these movies. I started writing it down and i loved what i came up with. If you don't like it, well, i don't give a f---.

Created by: AlyAntoinette
  1. Hello, i am the creator of Marie Antoinette and Sapphire. Okay, so first off, this is a quiz featuring my lastest storty-quiz. As you see above, it's called, The Wolf Huntress'. Unlike everyone, i was tried of Harry Potter and Twilight. And bella. Stupid bella. Anyways, i am going to explain what this quiz is all about.
  2. The plot of the story is very simple...and i'm not going to tell. Hehehe. It begins something like this. Princess (Meaning you), werewolfs, and action. I know your thinking, how can there be action in writing but really, if you read, you know what i'm talking about. If your still like 'what?' let me refresh your memoery. Remember reading, um, okay i can't name a book with action right now but screw that.
  3. I'm a good writer (Or so i'm told) and i added romance into The Wolf Huntress for all romance-addicted people (Don't worry, i like romance in quizzes too) and for the people who don't like romance, i didn't make it extremely cheesy that makes you want to smash your screen and set it on fire.
  4. I am going to show you a sneak peek at The Wolf Huntress. There's info you need to know. You are deep in the forest, sceaching for werewolfs to kill with your brother and your group of advanced werewolf-hunters. Then your brother relizes that the werewolfs are going to attack. Here is a sneak peek on The Wolf Huntress:
  5. A scream echoed through the woods, "Their here," Your brother shouted. Everyone came and made a circle, facing outside. You heard their weight trembling the ground, there was many of them. Your army was outnumbered. You looked at your brother, he looked worried, he knew. It was too late as blurs of black surrounded your group. Tension filled the atmosphere, your grip tightened on your sword, they had come to kill, to kill everyone. Growls and heavy breathing hide behind the trees and bushes.
  6. That was like 1% out of 120% of the actual quiz. The actual quiz is not going to disappoint you, i promise you, if you liked the sneak peek above.
  7. Now you are probaley thinking where's the quiz i keep blahing about. Okay, this 'premiere quiz' (Yeah, right) is just showing you a trailer of The Wolf Huntress. You can wait for it to come out...or hate it and vow never to see it again *b----*. Your choice, of course.
  8. The quiz itself (The Wolf Huntress) is not yet prefection. Remember, i'm freakin out about it being a BIG BOO. I only made this useless-as-can-get-quiz so i could check if people will be interested in this enough to take it. If not, I know i'll be wasting my time on nothing that only a few people will take.
  9. ***The Wolf Huntress*** premieres August 3.
  10. Please comment if you want ***The Huntress*** to be published. If more then five people comment, i will publish it. (: I'm not trying to be bossy/pushy for you to comment but GoToQuizâ„¢ DOESN'T tell me if you liked it. So i seriously need you to comment. Sorry.
  11. Alright, this is AlyAntoinette signing off. Love you guys. Bye. (Sorry if this was a waste of your time)
  12. ....

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