The populars only!!!!! | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The populars only!!!!!

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  • Are you 12? I'm actually proud to be smart unlike you.You must be a dense no-life with no real friends.

  • If I was allowed to curse without getting my comment deleted, I would do it. Get off your high horse because being popular is stupid. And I should know because I was popular in middle school and I was super mean and rude. I had no real friends and when I went into high school, I became nicer and only my true friends stayed with me, and they were the ones who knew me since before elementary school. And I'm glad I stopped being "popular" because I'm a better person now and at least I can spell. I mean seriously? "Socker"? Are you kidding me? It's soccer. There were more, but that was the one that annoyed me the most. And why should I be ashamed if I'm smart? Why is being a nerd such a bad thing?

  • Excuse me, you are being a jerk if you didn't notice....


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