The Pals Quiz About The Pals (April 2019)

Above your quiz there will be two paragraphs that introduce and explain your quiz. Write them here. quiz-takers some background on your topic or info on what to expect from your quiz.Well-written paragraphs are important for another reason: GoToQuiz uses them to help find similar quizzes and link them to yours, which means more exposure for yo

Copy down your title and this secret passphrase. You'll need them if you have to log back into this quiz. Request new phrase.hoose something interesting and relevant! Informative paragraphsBefore

Created by: Den5152 (Roblox)
  1. What is Denis' name?
  2. How old is Alex?
  3. Name 1 of Sketch's pets (the Cat).
  4. Who is Sub's pet?
  5. How many members of The Pals are there?
  6. answer to first question
  7. answer to second question
  8. answer to third question
  9. answer to fourth question
  10. answer to ninth question

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