The NightWatcher Quiz

Hey there, well this is a quiz about your Nightwatcher compatibilty, i decided to make it one night when i was bored and couldn't sleep. It is pretty simple and won't challenge you TOO much

this quiz has a lot of backround, i am writing a story that has to do with 'Nightwatchers' and so i decided for if it ever got published this would be out their for me fans. :)

Created by: MoonSilk of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What is your favorite power?
  3. What is your favorite area
  4. What is your favorite Element
  5. What is your Star?
  6. Favorite Jewelry
  7. What is your favorite species?
  8. what is your favorite weekend situation with friends/family?
  9. Your school station
  10. If you had a choice would you be...

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