The Moral Test

This Quiz will test your morals and whether you are a good person or not will be revealed. are you as good as you think you are? maybe you will be maybe you wont

How good are YOU? maybe not as much as you'd like to think Lets see wheter or not you can be trusted to make exceutive decisions. would you do the right thing at all costs?

Created by: steven
  1. You walk in on your best female friend as she is getting in the shower. She does not notice you. What do you do?
  2. A person you hate entrusts you with a secret. What do you do?
  3. You are in a class at school with no teacher, and your classmates have started being stupid. What do you do?
  4. You get called to your boss' office for a serious talk. He congratulates you for work you did on level 4, you worked on level 5 , he doesnt know that and offers you a reward. What do you do?
  5. a guy at university has just dropped all his books. What do you do?
  6. You are in the store when you see an armed gunman robbing the store keeper. What fo you do?
  7. Your best friend is bitten in a Zombie Apocolypse What do you do?
  8. A person that you hate is doing some really dangerous electrical work What do you do?
  9. You see that two men have each taken a hostage one is your best friend that you have known for 15 years and the other is a Super hot Model. who is signaling sex in return for her life Who do you save?
  10. You ahve 12 hour left to live. What do you do?
  11. You meet your idol You get in line for an autograph He says he is only signing 10 more you are 20th in line. What do you do?
  12. Your best friend's kid gets bitten in a zombie apocolypse What do you do?
  13. If you wanted to go do something illegal What would you do?
  14. If a bus full of kids and your all time crush are both falling off a bridge, and you can only save one. Who do you save?
  15. If you wanted to go out with a bang. How would you die?
  16. What would be the nicest way to kill someone?

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