The Mer Prophecy (Part 5) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Mer Prophecy (Part 5).

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  • One word to describe this part.....oh wait there are no words to describe it! Hmm my favorite food I guess I would have to say, churros!! They are the bomb! Please write more soon, me need more! Oh Jayden has something to say. (Jayden: -_- Your still on that with being the queen of dancing? Time to watch a showdown! :p. *grabs pillow and sits down, waiting for something to happen*)

  • You made me evil!!! ... *passes PuffBall the chocolates* thanks >:) what? Did I poison them? Nahhh of course not, wait, what was the color of the filling in the one you just ate? O.O Haha I think I see what you're doing there, you actually made us a sibling hood :P Ello my new sisters-in-crime ^^

  • Yay Edmund :D, now for our business *hands you crown and staff* All Hail the Dancing Queen Puffball [you: finally admitting it!] i'm not done yet *wears crown* AND ME DANCING PRINCESS , hehe

  • 15
    Year old girl boy?
    Danica! :D the autor right?


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