The kwami quiz (part 2)

Hello and welcome to The Kwami Quiz (part 2). So, I hope you enjoy it because it took 4EVA to make. I’m so excited to have made this quiz for you guys and I hope you enjoy this quiz as much as the first part.

So, this is a personality quiz to determine which kwami (Fluff - Daizzi) you will get. There is also a website in which you can create your own hero from Miraculous Ladybug.

Created by: Emma
  1. Hewo. This is my second time making a quiz so…
  2. What is your favourite colour?
  3. Favourite animal
  4. Favourite element (not chemistry element)
  5. What does your name start with?
  6. Favourite hobby?
  7. Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Nose or Hands?
  8. Are you hungry at the moment?
  9. How many siblings do you have?
  10. This is the LAST QUESTION. DO U WANNA GO?

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