The Know Your Skin Test

How well do you know your skin? Are you devoted to your dermis or estranged from your epithelials? Answer a few easy questions and find out what description best fits your skin type.

You can also get some great ideas for natural skincare at home, based on your skin type. Should you be feeding your face with papaya, or looking for lavender in your lotions?

Created by: MJKingsland
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's a cold, damp day in March and you've spent the afternoon outside. When you come home, the skin on your face feels...
  2. Your natural, untanned skin tone is...
  3. When you wake up in the morning, your skin looks or feels...
  4. How do you react to the sun (as if you were not using sunblock or protection)?
  5. Your skincare regime consists of...
  6. You win an away day at the local spa. You sign up first for...
  7. During the average day, you notice your skin gets...
  8. If you could change one thing about your skin, it would be...
  9. In the past five years, you think your skin has changed...
  10. Last question. If you're going out for the evening, you'll...

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Quiz topic: The Know my Skin Test