The Hardest Spaceball quiz ever!!!

Spaceballs... just the mere mention of the name makes me want to go to mister store and get a party ready!!!! So you think you know enough about this movie to take a quiz huh??? well were going to find out what u really know about the movie...

This is not a quiz for the faint of heart... it really isnt that hard... but if you dont know the movie you will have a bad score. I dont know anything else to say other than good luck. may the schwartz be with you

Created by: Damien Saint Lucifer
  1. What is the year of the car Vespa steals when she runs away???
  2. What is the name of the gangsta that rolls with Pizza the hut
  3. Who sings the song you hear when u first see barf???
  4. how much money did lonestar actually take from king rolland?
  5. What did lonestar spend the money on?
  6. What does the liscence plate on spaceball one read???
  7. How many engines are on spaceball 1?
  8. Say the next line..."Thank you for calling and not reversing the charges. bye now."
  9. Where did Lonestar think he was when he was saved by the dink-dinks...?
  10. What rocky movie was pongo going to review???
  11. Why couldnt dot hold her oil???
  12. What foot was vespa and rolland supposed to startt out on???
  13. what event was supposed to happen the day after vespas wedding?
  14. what was one of the things NOT lost by the jamming of the radar?
  15. Where does yogurt live?
  16. what was the special can of fuel given to lonestar by yogurt???
  17. Yogurt mentioned spaceballs II. what did he say the name of it was going to be?
  18. Where did yogurt find the ring of the schwartz
  19. why did vespa kill ll the spaceball soldiers?

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