The Girl Who Lived part 54

HI PEOPLE! I know that it's been SUCH a long time since I've really written anything. Although, everyone has their own lives outside of writing. So I got back on track with writing recently (yesterday) and I realized that it's been more than a month and felt an urgency to get this chapter out.

I feel kinda bad for not writing for a while without really any notice on how late it would be. So to make up for it, I squeezed a whole third part into this chapter and tried to add as much humor as I could into one chapter. I hope you enjoy. PLEASE comment or rate this story if you get the chance. truly yours-chopinssonata

Created by: chopinssonata
  1. I was surprised that out of all people, Oliver would be telling me. There's absolutely nothing wrong with him telling me but, he is in his 7th year while I'm in my 3rd. News must travel fast if this happened to a bunch of 3rd years only last class and news has already spread to the 7th years. "Rumor has it, Draco aggravated Buckbeak." He paused and turned to look both ways as if to ensure that other students wouldn't be listening.
  2. Although, I have no idea why if it had already spread to the last years within Hogwarts. " I don't have many of the details in between but, it ended with Draco going to the Hospital Wing with an injured arm or something along the lines of that. You know how rumors are, you say one thing and someone else hears another. Even when you say it right, pronunciation and all, people still interpret it wrong or hear it wrong."
  3. Although, I have no idea why if it had already spread to the last years within Hogwarts. " I don't have many of the details in between but, it ended with Draco going to the Hospital Wing with an injured arm or something along the lines of that. You know how rumors are, you say one thing and someone else hears another. Even when you say it right, pronunciation and all, people still interpret it wrong or hear it wrong."
  4. "Thanks Oliver. I hadn't even heard of it. Do you know where Hermoine is? I should go find him before he attempts to kills Draco" "I bet that's really likely to happen. I'll catch you later." "Bye Oliver!" "Bye Scarlet!" He waved as he left, heading the other direction. He headed left, I went right. Off I went to find Hermoine, through the great hall, down some stairs and to the grand library. Some Hogwarts students wouldn't consider it 'grand', but I do, along with a few selective bookworms.
  5. I had a strong feeling that Hermione would be in the library. She always loves to read, but she reads excessively whenever she's stressed or upset. she sits in a specific area of the library too, within the heart of the library. I continued to that center table where she sat, surrounded by a huge mountain of books that went over from the table to at least the top of the hair on her head. "Hermoine!" To get her attention away from a book, you have to shout.
  6. "Scarlet, you didn't need to shout" Yes I did. Only shouting can wake her from her reading. "Hermoine, I heard about Buckbeak." "From who? The only people that would really know about it would be the people in our class." "Word spreads." "How many people know?" "It's gotten to the 7th years. So pretty far."
  7. "That Malfoy has quite a big mouth doesn't he? How dare he provoke buckbeak and then shove the entire blame on Buckbeak when it was entirely his fault!" She had stopped reading her thick novels entirely and was now raging on about Draco. People had began to look and gather. It must've been a sight for the others within Hogwarts. Most know Hermione Granger for her intelligence like people know Harry for surviving Voldemort. She rarely ever loses her temper.
  8. "That Malfoy has quite a big mouth doesn't he? How dare he provoke buckbeak and then shove the entire blame on Buckbeak when it was entirely his fault!" She had stopped reading her thick novels entirely and was now raging on about Draco. People had began to look and gather. It must've been a sight for the others within Hogwarts. Most know Hermione Granger for her intelligence like people know Harry for surviving Voldemort. She rarely ever loses her temper.
  9. To Hogwarts students, seeing Hermoine losing her temper was as if a Human had seen a poltergeist. A mix of emotions was projected onto the faces of the other students at Hogwarts who simply watched as Hermoine ranted on and on. Since Hermoine was this upset, I figured that I'd only be adding more fuel to the fire if I asked more about what happened. "Hermoine, where's Harry?" "He's in the the common room."
  10. I left her and went upstairs to the cozy Gryffindoor common room where Harry was, reading a lengthy novel and pushing his glasses up whenever they fell down. "Harry, how's it going?" Placing a bookmark in his novel, he looked up at me. The fire gave his skin a golden glow and reflected off his glasses. "Not very well. Buckbeak's being executed all because Malfoy just had to provoke him and open his big mouth."
  11. "Isn't there something we can do about it? I mean, surely there's some kind of loophole." "What makes you say that? It just seems as though now, it's way too late to do anything at all." "I know this because I watch reality TV shows. There's always a way out." By this time, the day was mostly over. Dinner would start in a few minutes, and then off to bed. "Aren't you going to dinner?"
  12. "No thanks, I'm not very hungry right now-" His sentence was cut off by a loud growl from his stomach. "It's alright, I'll sneak back some leftovers for you. If i don't, I can always get the twins to take some from Ron. I'll see you later." He pushed up his glasses, the fire reflecting off of them. I knew he was upset, but at times like these, some people need solitude.
  13. PART 2
  14. I headed down to dinner and took my usual place. 2 of the usual seats that were normally occupied were now vacant. My best guess is that Hermoine wasn't "hungry" either. But Ron was certainly there. Believe it or not, it seemed as though he was shoving his face more than usual. A normal human would define this as an issue called binging, where people obsessively stuff their faces all at once. If a human were to have this issue, a family would probably create an intervention, but this is Ron we're talking about. "Hey Ron, I heard" "Of course you've heard of it, the entire bloody campus heard of it right directly after class. Draco ran his mouth so much that word spread like a fart in a warm classroom" Under the seriousness of the situation, I found myself laughing from his remark. He said bunches of other things that would be censored on television. Ron continued to argue to himself about how much he hates Draco, and right now, I couldn't argue at all. Plus, it honestly wouldn't help the situation at all. "The worst part of it all, is that it wasn't Buckbeak's fault. Malfoy was the reason for it, and now Buckbeak's gotta pay the price." Ron continued to shove his face with food. Water dribbled down his chin after he drank and crumbs were all over his face. I handed him a hanker chief that I keep stuffed in my robe. He sighed and eventually he was too tired to be angry. I felt a slight breeze on both sides of me, to find the twins sitting in their usual spots. "Good day, scarlet." They said. "What's with the get-up?" Fred had been wearing clown shoes, make-up and an outfit to match that they had been wearing underneath his normal robes while George was covered in hair. So much that he looked like Cousin It. "Well dear Scarlet, we've been experimenting with potions" said the one underneath all of the hair. "Fred, that outfit suits you. George, you like you're Cousin It from the Adams family" When Ron saw them, he broke out into laughter and seemed to forget about the mountains of food piled up on his plate. He began laughing so hard, that everyone at the table thought he was going to choke himself. He did for a moment, but was fine a second later. And even after that, he was still laughing uncontrollably to the point where people gave him looks, as if he were a mad man. Seems as though he got a bit too caught in the moment because as he was laughing, he somehow fell off the seat and still somehow remained laughing hysterically waving his arms and kicking his legs in the air. His overall response was funnier than watching the twins in their get-up. Eventually, Ron finished his laughing, but only after he saw the twins two more times and repeated the entire fit he did earlier. I took a picture of them and Ron who at this point was rolling on the floor with tears in his eyes. I helped him up from the floor. His hands were black from the dirt on the floor while his face was a shade that matched his hair. "Bloody heck, why would you two be wearing such outfits?" "We've been working on ideas for our shop" "And well, they didn't go exactly as planned." Answered the twins. He wiped a tear that slowly rolled down his cheek. I tightened my hair band and readjusted my ribbon to be straight that had shifted during one of my first classes. I'd never gotten the time to straighten it during any other classes. Ron turned to the twins and gulped down the rest of his laughter. "So, how's that shop idea of yours going along?" He began to chuckle but soon stopped when he realized that he had no laughter left within him whatsoever.
  15. PART 3
  16. That when he tried to, he felt as if he were a squeaky toy that had lost it's voice. Although in this case, he hadn't lost his voice altogether, just laughter. No sound came out, just air. "Who's laughing now?" asked Fred. "Well Freddie, certainly not Ron." They began to point at Ron and laugh at him as they usually do. Ron's face had turned a pinkish shade as he settled down from laughing. The twins turned to me "Scarlet, will you do a favor for us?" They asked, slightly begging. "Depends, what do you want?" Before I really got to know the two, I would always say yes to their requests, initially thinking 'it couldn't be that bad'. But over quite a period of time, I've learned that it definitely could be THAT bad. One involved me helping them bake a cake for Ron once and the twins put way more baking soda than was required especially since baking soda wasn't needed at all. In the end, the cake exploded all over the kitchen and I spent the rest of the day re-baking the cake while the the twins began to clean up the kitchen which later, I soon joined them. Another time was when they wanted to wrap a present for themselves for Christmas, fireworks. Great idea to have the box sitting next to a burning candle. The box lit on fire, and I'm sure that you can guess the rest of the story from just that. But, it ended with me losing my eyebrows, the twins losing their privileges for using fireworks, matches and giving themselves gifts. So with only two examples, I bet that you know what kind of trouble the twins have gotten me into over the small amount of time that I've known them. I can't help but love the both of them even if they pull me into difficult situations. By this time, Fred was able to, and had taken off his clown get-up and George had cut his hair unevenly, but at a similar length similar to what it was earlier. "Dear Scarlet, would we ever think to do anything that would cause you anger?" George asked me, batting his eyelashes real fast as if they were wings on a bird. I didn't even need a flashback at all to know the answer to this, but I did anyway. So many scenes flashed through my mind when they have. Too many to count. "Yes, you have." I answered. "Come on Scarlet, we really do need your help, it's for a good cause." Pleaded Fred. "What do you want?" I had a feeling that my chances of getting out of helping them was slipping by ever so slowly each moment that I talked to them. "Well, our life dream is to own our own prank shop, and since our family isn't that rich, we need to start earning money. At this rate, we'll never earn enough money with just the two of us, but with three, we'll get there much faster. Will you work with us tomorrow on the Hogsmeade trip?" They continued to plead with me on this. Those two can be annoyingly persuasive. I eventually gave in. "Fine, when do I need to be there?" "We'll take you there." It seems as if they really had planned this out. "You planned this out didn't you?" This was more of a statement than a question. "We sure did, we had no idea what we would do if you said no since we already told the owner of The Three Broomsticks to expect five workers tomorrow." I was so close to strangling them. "Wait, who are the other two that are working?" "Well, we told Neville that you would be working at The Three Broomsticks tomorrow and asked him if he wanted to join in. He said that he would since you'll be working there and he said that he could always use a little extra cash. Then, that Oliver Wood agreed to work with us." Even closer to feeling like strangling them. I was cracking my knuckles and about to straight out yell at them when two big shadows covered us. Goyle and Crabbe. "He requests your presence."

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