The Fruit You Resemble

Have you wondered what fruit you'd be if you were one? For this quiz I've chosen 3 fruits that differ in many ways. You will be surely like one of them.

Are you a watermelon? Maybe an apple. Possibly a lemon. Take this short quiz to find out which one you would be. I hope the answer matches you. Good Luck!

Created by: The Header
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. Favorite weapon, old or new
  3. Do you like sodas?
  4. You are at a wedding, but they keep on putting on ghost stories on the radio. What do you do?
  5. What's your favorite fruit?
  6. Are you popular at school
  7. Sweet or Sour
  8. Two words that describe you?
  9. What's your biggest fear?
  10. Did you like it. (Couldn't help it)

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