If you were a fruit which fruit would you be?

Haven't you ever wondered what fruit you'd be if you were a fruit? Well now you can find out by taking this quiz! Just click on it now and you'll find the answer too our question!(warning not every fruit is a possible answer.)

This quiz lets you know if you were a fruit if you would be a peach, a guava, a grape fruit, a cactus pear, a watermelon, or a grape. What are you waiting for? Take the quiz now!

Created by: Laura

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of these description best fits you?
  2. I sometimes fault when I...
  3. I am proud that I am...
  4. I wish I...
  5. Your friends would describe you as....
  6. Sometimes I can be...
  7. A compliment would be to say that I'm...
  8. If I could I would spend all my time...
  9. I most want others to see me as...
  10. Most of all it is important to be...

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