The Forgotten of Skyle part 1

MUST READ!! Ok now I have your attention! Yay! Ok this is The Forgotten of Skyle! I really hope you like like it! I will try to post one every other day!

So imma describe people! Reyna: Black hair with purple streak. Dark blue eyes. Likes to look intimidating but hates having to hurt people. Bad girl. Rachel: Red frizzy hair. Hazel eyes. Looks scared all the time. Likes doodling on clothes.

Created by: LiviGirl33
  1. Imagine your name is Reyna. You moved here, to Chicago from Washington D.C. You are 15 years old and very stubborn. Your known as the bad girl at school. You lose your temper easily and know how to fight.
  2. 'BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!' Your alarm clock screams at you. You pick it up and chick it at the wall. You glare at it and roll out of bed. You yank on your jeans, buckled boots and wrinkled sugar skull shirt. You stumble downstairs and grab a coffee.
  3. You dive into your illegal car and rev it. You take off on the way to school. -At school- you park it behind the school and look around to make sure nobody's looking. You lock it then head into school.
  4. On the way to your locker, you see a girl who has frizzy red hair and drawn on jeans. She looks like she is about to have a heart-attack. You walk over and glare at her. She trembles. You "pat" her head and carry on with your day.
  5. You waltzed out of math and headed to art. You glared at everyone who tried to sit by you. Every desk had 2 people except yours. You smiled and leaned back. Then frizzy red came in looking scared like she was gonna be sent to hell. "Everyone. This is Rachel. You can sit by..." "her. I want to sit by her." She pointed at me. "Oh no you don't!" The teacher grabbed Rachel's backpack. Rachel glared at her and you blinked. All the sudden, Rachel was calmly setting her backpack down next to you. You gave her the evil eye, but she gave it right back.
  6. You give him everything you got in one evil eye. You blink and he is 5 feet away on the ground. You rip up his painting and storm out of art. You go to the bathroom and slip inside. You start crying softly. You have no idea what is going on. Normally, you just scare the shot out of others, but you hardly ever hurt them. You slump onto the floor as the door creaks open. "Ummm... are you OK? You look up and see.....
  7. Rachel slips inside and sits next to you. You shuffle away. She shuffles towards you. You start to glare at her. She blinks and you can't move your face into a glare. "HMPH!!" You grunt. "Listen to me. Blink if you won't glare at me." You slowly blink. She nods her head. All the sudden you can move again. "WHAT IS GOI-" you start. She waves her hand. "Blink once for yes, twice for no." You blink. "Do you know who you are." You blink. "Do you know who I am?" She waved her hand again. "Your a creepy phsyco who-" "I am a locater."
  8. You twist your face into a confused expression and say slowly "What is going on." She gasps. "How are you doing that! Nobody can get through my enchantments!" She pok s you in the gut. You slap her hand away. She looks SO confused. "What. Is. A. Locater." She shakes her head. "I find the forgotten. I need to help you remember who you truly are." She looks so serious it's funny. "I know PERFECTLY who I am! I am Reyna Leavenworth."
  9. She gasps loudly. "What. Did. You. Say." "My name is Reyna Leavenworth. She pulls you up. "Nononono. You can't be. It's impossible! You can't be her. Even if you are one of the Forgotten of Skyle! Your supposed to be dead!!!"
  10. CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!! HA!! SUFFER!! Hehehe. Did you like it?

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