the flower of your life | Comments

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  • Poppy flower,not me whatsoever I'm the complete opposite of fragile and delicate mentally. I am a loner and hate being social alot of the time. I'm also a dream achiever and fighter. Sorry but terrible quiz mate.

  • I got rose... my favorite flower of all!

  • the flower of your life
    Your Result: rose

    you are a rose. your a fun loving person, with a lot of sprit and color. you are easy to love, and have a lot of admirers. you are stronger than a lot of people, but tend to get cockey because you have everyone after you. you will teach someone a lesson every once and awile, but you usally get revenge on whoever hurt you, then move on.

    li ly

  • I got:
    Your Result: lily

    you are a lily. you are beutiful and strong, snd worth every moment. you are loved by all as a friend, but dont tend to fall in love very often, because you can be hard to please. you get what you want, no other options. people are always asking to be friends, but maybe you want to be more than that sometimes...

    Umm ...No. I don't fall in love very often because I don't believe in 'falling' in love. Sure, you should follow your heart, but you have to listen to your head too.

  • I liked it alot:) I guess i'd have to say loved since my result wuz a rose

  • dude, no offence, but your quiz was lame. it was just stupid. i know for damn sure i aint no poppy.. but its chill, better luck next time on making a quiz..


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