The Emo Quiz T-T | Comments

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  • Cool quiz

  • im emo big whoop. i took tons of these tests. just take me away to where i belong.(in a coffin)

  • Man Im not emo at all cept I like disturbed so that makes me 3 percent anyway I have accepted jesus so I have every thing to die for but I still like living cause I can travel the world and see all the woners in it you emos act like no one understands you but if thats true why are there so many of you its not like your a lost generation you just come form broken homes familys have a depression problem had a loved one die or somthing like that honestly why is the world so bad there our lots off bad people but you can just ignore them or try to change them you emos have just given up

  • Im not emo even tho almost everyone calls me that cept my girlfrend and my frends...

  • I am emo ;-D but I am also an atheist so if I die.... what happens? O_O XD anyway yah life sucks they should make the world better before having more children lol.

  • i am not emo......i swear i am not although evry1 calls me emo and thinks i am emo i am not emo i only too this quiz 2 try and prove them wrong .......but it came out emo (again!) ..... perhaps i should jus giv up but i won't i am stubborn and will carry on tryin to prove that i am not emo 2 evry1!

  • I'm an emo but i'm also an Atheist, so i don't want to die because if I do I'll never feel anything at all. Sometimes life is bad to you but seeing as nothing is the only alteriniteve I'd rather be alive, 'sides I might get laid. ;)

    p.s. try to convert me and I'll castrate you.


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