The blueberry inflation experience

This is a remake of original version “what blueberry body are you?” Do not play if you dislike blueberry explosions All rights reserved thanks for playing!

Remember my one I made one hour ago from this? Well this is a improved version from the last one (Note that this one has a result that you explode.) and enjoy!

Created by: Noah Walker
  1. You are in willy wonka’s Chocolate factory with other children and you and the others are told about some wonka gum
  2. You are all offered some gum you can choose to chew it or not
  3. You start to feel tingly what do you check first?
  4. You start to turn blue how do you react?
  5. You’r belly swells up what do you say?
  6. You bum/butt feels heavy
  7. You starting to feel round and feel really full
  8. You start to feel your hand and feet get separated which looks kind of scary now
  9. You start to slow down
  10. You stopped you can choose multiple endings
  11. Did you enjoy this? (Won’t effect your results.)

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