The Alone And Togethers~part three

Yes I know...I took forever. I have been doing other stuff and...yea anyways If you have not read the other parts do so before you take this one. Im going to try and get part four out early but I dunno.

Yes I know...I took forever. I have been doing other stuff and...yea anyways If you have not read the other parts do so before you take this one. Im going to try and get part four out early but I dunno. It will be out soon.

Created by: SugerCube
  1. I still was not ready to leave when the guard came in. "Ilee. One more thing. Check the stone." The stone. That was were Adren left notes and stuff for me to read. Secrets that no one could know. I ran to the flat rock and lifted it up so that it was above the moss. I picked up a damp scroll of paper. I read it out loud. " Ilee its the death sentence." No. Oh no. He was not going to be banished. The Death sentence was not suppos to be exestent any more. But I knew better. It was still there it just was not public anymore. If you really made the Govener mad he would take you to a priviet chamber and...and. Then you were dead.
  2. I wanted to tell someone. Some one who would help me. Not Travis. He was a little off these days. Not Dad. He would be to drunk to care. Not Adren. I could not go to him any way. Only one person left than. And I know she would hate me talking to her as much as I would. But I needed help. So I pushed down my pride and made my way to Ambers house. The Clock on the shoe makers tower chimed two. Id better hurry. I started runing and soon found my self infront of Ambers house. I very carfully knocked on the door. It stood still for a moment and then silently and slowly, with out even a creek it slid open. In the door way stood Raden.
  3. Ambers six year old brother. Skinny and light brown headed he was the king of all the first graders. Amber stood behind him in the hall room. "Hello.Ilee, how do you stand?" She had a fake smile plasterd on her face and a look in her eyes that said she wanted me to leave. Not happning."Well. I need to speak with you." I said stealing her look. "Very well" She shighed. I entered a room. I told her all that had happened. She looked at me very oddly. Like tring to see if I was real or just a paper image. "Locits." She said and a tall musculer man walked into the room. "This girl knows to much. Says Amber with a dissmisive wave."Let her leave." Another man walked in carring a gag and coiled rope. As fast as if the had practiced this a millon times (and they probley had) I was wrapped in a rope and had a gag in my mouth.
  4. I was picked up and carred out the door of the room and into an empty large space. They droped me and left the room. Closing the door and locking it to. I sat there thinking very evil things about Amber when none other than herself walked in to the roo. Behind her were the two men. "Blindfold her and let her be banished. Whith only a small trinket of water." She said in a not so very sweet voice. And then a black thick strip of cloth is place over my eyes, a strap over my sholder, and once agin im beeing carred. For a long wile it was like that. And then I was sat on the ground and the rope and gag were removed.
  5. They were about to shove me out of the gate. No. "No! You cant do this!" I yelled these words and was pushed out of the walls. A clang of steel told me it was to late. Now I was banished.....I turned from the city and removed my blindfold. All around I sall darkness. And that was all. Then in the far distance a small speck of flickering light. Ok. So here were my choices. Sit here. Or go to the light. It most likly had some danger. But I would not just sit around.
  6. Soon I collapsed . My head hit a rock and the world went black. I remember the flickering light...shadows huddled around it. Only fifty feet away. I could pick up movement around me. Voices . And when I finally started coming to I see faces. Blurry faces gathered hanging over me. Five of them. A hand went out a touched me forehead were the rock had hit. The lips of the face said a word. I could not make it out. Then I was picked up. A person carried me to the light. Sets me down a few feet from it. My head was throbbing. I wanted badly to close my eyes...But no. These people were not know to me.
  7. A face with eyes as dark green as the moss that grew here, and light red hair, leaned over me. "Sleep Ilee." It was a boys voice. He knew my name. I instantly went over all the boys I knew. Not Adren...Not Travis..... Then I remembered. His name left my lips. He bent down and kissed me. "That's me. Don't worry. Sleep." I gave a weak smile and then closed my eyes. A blanket went over me and a water bottle was pressed to my lips.
  8. When I woke I slowly opened my eyes. I glanced around. I was in a room. Alone. Sitting up slowly I found that I had been on an old mat. I looked around and let my eyes land on the door. I stood slowly and carefully walked to it. Turning the knob I pushed it open and stepped out. A house. I was in a house. A red headed figure moved down the hall. I let my self smile as he turned to face me. "You were dead." I say closing my eyes attempting not to cry. He walked over hugging me. "I'm not. I'm here." I pull away from him. "Were is here?" He gave me a grin and took my hand. "Here is the city of the Alone And Togethers."
  9. He led me out of the house and onto a street. His hand was over me eyes. I brushed off his hand and looked around. It was a city. Like the one I had been banished from. The streets were filled with people. The towers stood tall and leaned over the houses. A young child walked up to us. She tugged on his shirt and he picked her up placing her on his shoulder. Then with his other hand he lanced his fingers in mine. People gathered around looking at us. No one said a thing. I had so much to ask... END OF PART THREE.
  10. Yeah I know this came out like super late. I had a bunch of things on my mind and I just...anyways sorry. Part four will be out by next week.
  11. Thank you for reading...Just leave a comment and rate please.

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