the allied protectors of Earth (Part 3) | Comments

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  • Thank you :) I've got school now >.

  • Haha type what? Lol and thank you, I like my personality too XD and I like yours too :P you seem cool.

  • DID I REALLY TYPE THAT?! WHAT WAS I THINKING BACK THEN WHEN I TYPED IT?! That position would be impossible unless you were crouching or whatever 0.o Kicking them where it hurts hmmmmm? I like your personality ;)))))) Thanks for the tip!! :)

  • Awesome part :D and they only had my ARMS behind my back, not my feet. I would've at least have attempted to kick them where it hurts, no one tries to drug me XD and you didn't take long to get this part out, it was actually a short amount of time. I usually get my parts of my story out every week or later, depending on what I feel like :P and here's a trick for the 150 thing: you don't actually have to write words to get it, just hit the spacebar multiple times until it says 150. Well, anywho, awesome, part like always, can't wait for part 4!! :D


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