Test your movie trivia knowledge of Cloverfield

Cloverfield was a movie that came out 2 months ago, and many people wanted to see it. Some people took guesses on what it was about. And guess what? Most people were wrong! JJ Abrams kept it so secret, that noone knew what it was about, until now...

How much do you know about Cloverfield? What did the monster look like? Where did it come from? What happened to it? Test YOUR knowledge to see if you can make it out alive if a REAL 300ft. monster attacks! In a few minutes, you'll test your knowledge!

Created by: Nicholas
  1. What is the name of the person who is filming?
  2. What does the monster look like?
  3. Are there parasites?
  4. What do they look like?
  5. What happens if they bite you?
  6. Where does the monster come from?
  7. Which company made this film?
  8. At the end of the movie, what does Rob say?
  9. What does it sound like reversed?
  10. Is there gonna be a sequel?

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Quiz topic: Test my movie trivia knowledge of Cloverfield