Teh Chikin Quiz

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Do you like Chikin? If that is you then YOU BETTER TAKE THIS QUIZ. This quiz is just for you!Yo have to see in this epic adventure! Do you hate chikin? Do you love chikin?

Are you the chikin lover that chikins need?you will soon find out when you start on the 3rd question. So if you mind. We are gonna take your mind and transer it into this chikin after this quiz!

Created by: Arkspawn
  1. Do U lik this Quiz so far?
  2. Do you like Chikin?
  3. Are you alive?
  4. E=MC2 =
  5. 🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗
  6. Wood u doneate to teh Chikin foondation?
  7. If you liek chikin u wood no de answer to tis question
  8. What 2 countrys will cause WW3?
  9. Kill Yourself!!!
  10. I hit I 360 Chikin Nac
  11. Is this the last question?
  12. What is my name?
  13. wood u liek sum chikin?

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