Talk With Draco Malfoy

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Do You want to talk with Draco?! right. So, open this quiz now!! so you will know are you really want to talk with him or no. Okay? open now!! Hurry up!

Are you want to talk with Draco? are you really want to talk with Draco? not so sure. Until you open this quiz. But thanks to just see and open, but don't play it.

Created by: ToPotter
  1. Me: Do you want to meet with Draco?
  2. Draco: Hello, what is your name?
  3. Draco: What is your favorite colour? Me; Psst,____don't make his heart be hurt!!
  4. Draco: what is your favorite lesson?
  5. You: Why you always ask me???? Draco: Because i want to know you, You:__________________________
  6. (You hiding from Draco) Draco: Muuuuum! Narcissa: Yes dear! Draco; Where______? Narcissa: i don't know dear! What are you doing?
  7. Draco: Why you hiding from me?
  8. You: Draco______ Draco:____
  9. Draco look silent lately. What are you doing?
  10. Uh, The true, why Draco look silent is because his mummy was ill dragon pox. What are you doing?
  11. Draco; do you you want in this summer holiday go to my home? you;_______________

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