Supernatural Studies part 10 | Comments

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  • Double-digits, congrats! The main thing I'm wondering about is who was at my door, but of course, you can't be giving out spoilers like that, so I'll just have to wait for the upcoming parts :) I also wonder how "I" managed to deduce all that about Eve so accurately. Special powers coming into play, maybe? Or just really, really good intuition? And that was a freaky deaky dream o.o black snake among green... an oddball... hmm

    Oh freaking shoot! Okay, I'd feel reeeeaaaaallllyyyy guilty just about now for being late to work... everything that might go wrong can and will, won't it? :/ Well, at least I didn't have to walk home and get assaulted on the way by Calamities or something... Can't wait for part 11! :) we'll get to figure out what Ms. Smith wants to bring up with us, one mystery that will be solved soon


  • Wooooh! Double digets! AWESOME!

    Anyway, about the story. How did she know that stuff about Eve? The dream about her was... Interesting. Also, why did Main have the only key again? You'd think the manager would have one... I feel so sorry for Main. First her parents died, now she's jobless, she's going to deal with the stress of thinking she's going to get expelled(She's not though.I'm sure.)

    Speaking of, I have an idea. I bet Eve went and cried to Ms.Smith, then Ms.Smith realized that there's no way Main could have found out about Eve's life, other than magic. And now she's going to talk to her about it. Did I get anything right? Eh, I have no idea :3. PART ELEVEN!!

  • T.T NOOOOOOO!!! Next part please! her parents;( But her parents died... awe she got fired.. *shrugs* oh well. At least we all know her power, or one of them? At least it explains the very powerful blood.... Why does she need to talk to her... maybe... never mind Question of the Day: Again, thoughts?- AMazing!!!! I love your magicall (dramatic) writing and i cannot wait till the next!! *sits impatiently* Well then, go on!!! :P :3

  • Yay, it's here! Hope you don't get writers block on your next part!


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