supernatural life

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if you have a crush on one of the hot brothers from supernatural! take this quiz!!! and ill help you get the one you want kk!!!!!!! so......... !!!!!

ok im just going to type letters ok ok yeah jvufytdgohjoijdflsbncbdcolihlcihnlcnlicolbcoucnndbciuwbcivwcbwhclwbciwhcbwckiwuchiuwciubwicgvwcuywvcb ill help you getthe one you want!!!

Created by: katy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. ( ok this is my first quiz hope you like it) what color hair do you have?
  2. this one will help you get the one you want. whos cuter sam or dean?
  3. what is your fav color? does not afecct your answer
  4. do you even watch supernatural?
  5. whats your fav soda?
  6. whats youir fav pie!?
  7. whats your personality? will afecct your answer
  8. whatd do you want to be? wiil afect your answer
  9. what do you think so for of my first quiz!!! please be honest
  10. thank you for taking my quiz!! so... are you ready for your answers!!

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