Story love....3

Number 3 of Story love. I hope you liked 2 and 1!!! Sorry it's not long!!! I hope you LOVE it and want more! (that makes me look bad right now dose it?)

I would love to hear if you like my story or not!!! Well this time you get more colt in it and Hector Jake is where 2 and spikes not talking!!!! !!!!!

Created by: singin234
  1. Recap: then Sam calles "JAKE TIME TO GO!" you still sitting on the chair says "Well.... Bye Jake" he gives you a hug and say "Bye....---" in your ear. The he goes to him mother (SAM). You get ready for bed when you hear a howl. You look out the window to see a brown wolf. It stares at you until you pull away from the window, and sit on your bed. You fall asleep, when you wake up your alarm is going off and you arms and head is dangling over the side of the bed.
  2. It's 6:00AM. You turn your alarm off while you head is spinning. You get ready for school and walk down to you mum only to find out that yesterday was not Monday but Friday. Feeling silly you walk up to your room get changed and go for a walk in the woods.
  3. You walk until your at the tree. (the one you were at yesterday) you sat their listening to the birds. "What's with this tree and you" a voice says as it steps out of the shadows. It's colt! "Dont you ever say Hi?" you ask him. "Hey cutie, now tell me what's up" he replies smiling his great smile. "My nan died when i was 5. We put her here. It I vist her now and then. But I haven't been here in years" you tell him your eyes going moist. Colt seemed shocked "Oh sorry you had to bring that up" He says. "It's ok. You didnt know! Right?" you ask/tell him. He nods.
  4. You close you eyes your having one of you flash backs. You are Running at full speed Hector behind you his eyes fixed on you. You hair is out and gun shots ring in your ears. Then it all goes black your back to the real world. "---, are you ok?" Colt says shakeing you awake. You nod "I just had a flash back" you tell colt and Jake ( he's just came) "Who was in the flash back?" Jake asked "Hector" you replied keep the words you speak low. They were shocked more than you. "What happened next" ask colt. "I don't know it came back." you tell him a little angry!!! "Oh" says Jake a little upset
  5. Hector and spike come running "HEY JAKE COLT!!WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Hector yells as he run up to you guys with spike. "I---" Hector is about to say something when he sees you. "Hector do you know anything about you past life?" Jake asks him. Hector shakes his head. But you know hes lying
  6. Sorry that's it!
  7. Who do you like best?
  8. Who wants the bird in the quiz
  9. Plz comment I would LOVE to see if you like my quizzes!!! And tell me if I should put the bird in!! You don't have to but i just LOVE feedback
  10. Bye

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