Spunk+Mustard=deflating monkeys

Look, don't be bummed, this quiz is slightly chanagling. Very few can finish this. So don't hesitate to try and get your brain working and super-sonic, hypnotic, funky fresh. one, two step.

Do you actually think you will do really great on this test? Oh, apparently you do, sorry for any before test taking nerves I may have caused! But don't worry, we have faith that you can get at lease 16% on this test, come on, it'll be fun!

Created by: flowergals of Spunk+Mustard=deflating monkeys quizez
(your link here more info)
  1. If we have six apples and you take four away, how many apples do you have?
  2. How many i's are there is this sentence? Paul and Frank were happy.
  3. DO NOT USE A CALCULATOR! take 1,000 add 40 add another 1,000, add 30, substract 323 and double your answer. Now add 45. You've been a bad person, I can't believe you used a calculator!
  4. Is it legal to marry your widows sister?
  5. Is it possible to have striped paint?
  6. My favorite lemonade comes from...
  7. Who is your brother's aunt's husband's, son's, cousin's, aunt's, mom's, sister;s, daughter's, daughter?
  8. I like cheese... right?
  9. Where does the name Spunk+Mustard come from?
  10. You are soooo tired of this quiz, right?
  11. This is the last question so you dudes/dudettes can rest your brain thinkers, after this one little task. Make yourself your own question.! Got any comments?

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