How Buffalonian are you?

Where can you find beautiful people, great Canadian beers, the best pizza and wings around, bars open til 4 and people who devote their lives to the Buffalo Bills? Only in Buffalo, baby. A Buffalonian (as defined by Websters Mustard) is a person who possesses all of the qualities that make one Amazing, plus a love for food, beer, cold temps and great football.

How Buffalonian are YOU? Is that even a real word. If you think you know anything about the GREATEST City in the world take this quiz and find out how COOL you really are!

Created by: Martina

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In which town do the Buffalo Bills have their home stadium?
  2. What is the name of the bar where Buffalo Wings were first created?
  3. What Great Lake borders Buffalo?
  4. What is your favorite month of the year in Buffalo?
  5. The best hotdogs in the world come from...
  6. Please finish the phrase- "The Bills make me want to ______!"
  7. Name the famous racing pig who stars in the swine races at the Erie County Fair
  8. When riding the thruway towards Downtown Buffalo, sticking your head out of the window like John, what will you smell?
  9. How many months does winter last in Buffalo?
  10. Which "Trial of the Century" starred a former Buffalo Bills football player?
  11. Which Buffalo suburb held a "sleeper cell" of Al Queada Terrorists?
  12. Which is a more fun city to visit?

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Quiz topic: How Buffalonian am I?