So... Can You Pass This Basic Horse Quiz

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Hey all! This quiz tests some basic horse facts! You may find them easy, but remember, this is just a starting point test. If you score less than you thought, try to aim higher!

Whether you’re an equestrian, a horse lover, (or both) or you just found yourself here, well, take the quiz and see how much you know about horses! Let’s begin...

Created by: IrisTheEquestrian
  1. What is a bit?
  2. What’s a girth?
  3. How many beats in in the trot?
  4. A well cared for horse can live for 15 years at most. True on false?
  5. Horses are typically measured in hands. True or false?
  6. Here’s a slightly harder question... This is about horses but horses, ponies, zebras, and mules are called...
  7. Arabian horses are unique because...
  8. I want a horse, what are some challenges I might face?
  9. What do you say when you’re riding without a saddle?
  10. which of these is NOT a horse colour?
  11. Ok, finally, which is not a horse riding event

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Quiz topic: So... can I Pass This Basic Horse Quiz
