SnowCraux Pt. 1 | Comments

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  • Ahhhh! I'm a military child, so I know what it's like to be the new kid. In 8th grade, we had to move TWO WEEKS after school started. TWO WEEKS!!! And, if my dad doesn't get promoted, I'll be moving back to the States DURING my sophmore year. That's less than a year from now...I'm kinda scared, because I'll be leaving my best guy friend here.:(

    Sorry for ranting, I just really don't want two High Schools. I've already had four Middle Schools, and four Elementary schools. So, in all, this is my 13th school.

    Okay, I'm reeeally sorry. THIS WAS COOL! :D btw, I can't wait for part 41 of TC!!! So excited!!!

  • I'm soooo behind i feel really stupid but i theink it's gonna be an awesomw series.

    chocolate rain
  • I'm feeling so dumb that I now found out about this *facepalms* Anyway, please don't stop writing TC, you know how WE feel about it ^_^ Is it going to be supernatural?

  • Okay, I have some things to say. First off, I'm curious with the title for this series. SnowCraux... very original, and intriguing. Second, I like Elora. I'd probably react the same way if I met the new girl (since I've been in that position multiple times myself) I want to go to this bonfire now that you speak of guys being there. I can't wait for part 2... BUT DON'T YOU DARE STOP WRITING TEENAGE CHRONICLE sorry had to put that out there. Peace out!

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • I liked it, it was really good!

  • Sorry I commented late. U might not read this so im going to keep it short. Loved your writing as usual and can't wait for more.

  • Is it in Portland,OR?That would be so cool because I live there!Good so far, part 2!

  • Grocery store scenes always turn out to be awesome... maybe because they always include junk food ^^ Piques my interest with 1. What did I hit??? 2. Beach + night + bonfire + cute guys X)

  • Yay I made a friend! It's great starting off and I'm really wondering what will happen. I really like school scenes and such because..well they're just cool :D And guys, Yup I like guys ^-^ Is this series going to be supernatural? I dun mind it at all though, just curious.

    LIKE OMG WHAT DID I HIT/ALMOST HIT. If it is supernatural, it could be a flashing vampire or that sort XD Now I'm deciding to go to the store because I have a craving for chips now. I blame the grocery store scene. Elora is so nice and darling.

  • Wow I love it already! Part 2 PLEASE!!!!!!

  • Pretty good so far!


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