Sleeping in Shadows part.3 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Sleeping in Shadows part.3.

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  • I read your announcement and I thought youI were actually doing very bad but in fact you aren't. I have also started writing a story quiz but I think I'm far behind. Lol. Just wanted to make you feel better. I see you've received a lot of comments while I think except a few people, no one knows I'm writing something. Ha! Ah well.

  • Ok! So I read this because I saw your announcement, and wanted to be of service...I read the last two parts as well because I love this so much! It's mysterious, dark, spooky and a little horrific. I would say its a bit of a thriller too!

    I love your plot-line so far, and your characterisation is coming. It still needs a little work, but that comes as you progress with the series. I cannot wait to find out some more about the boys, and Sami.

    Unlike whoever commented on your announcement, I like it when people write in the second person. Although it's not so 'proffessional' and I would be appalled if a published book was written like that, it suits this nicely, and you write well in the second person. I feel an different kind of connection with a story written in the second person.

    Also unlike the person that commented on your announcement, the grammar and spelling isn't too bad, but I know that it's very dull to go back and edit things through! And I disagree, I think your descriptions are pretty good, but only of people. When you describe people, it's perfect, just remember to describe scenery too. I know you can, you've shown me that, just remember to.

    Just a little tip, if you find your first draft or twosome out wrong, leave it for a bit, go out for a walk, read, whatever, then come back to it with a fresher mind. That always helps me if I can't write properly. Or if that doesn't help, I write a very rough first draft, then go through it and add description, then go through it and add additions and improve the dialogue, then polish it off by reading through it one last time and making any changes, then go through and proof-read it to erase any grammar or spelling mistakes.

    I will definitely be following along with this, and good luck with the future of this story! I love the title by the way!

  • Is the writing all messed up for you too? I don't know what happened! bwah.


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