Sleeping in Shadows part.3

Hey guys! I have been working on this part for a long time and failing miserably so I just thought up some stuff as I went so my writing isn't as good as I'd like it to be, but GTQ decided to be ratchet and made me start over about a dozen times.

I didn't get a part out earlier, (last week) because MCR broke up, and my heart. I will miss My Chemical Romance but, y'know, all things come to an end. I hope you all had a Happy Easter if you celebrate it and.... Enjoy!

Created by: mrtokolover14
  1. The blade pressed harder on you neck, making your breath cut short. Your eyes darted around the room, trying to find something, anything, to help. Fists flew all around you. Red stained everyone's clothes. The guys you met earlier's uniforms were all tattered and ripped. Then you saw it, or her, rather. Sami elbowed a young man's throat and kicked him, as he crumbled to the ground winded. You caught each others glances. The blade broke your skin as you felt blood trickling down your neck. Sami's eyes seemed to glaze over when she shifted her glance to the man holding you. Suddenly the grip on your back loosened and the blade fell to the ground. You just stood there stunned, look looked down behind you, where who you guessed the man who was holding the blade to your limply lay there, blood oozing from his forehead. "_____, hide!" Sami yelled over the chaos.
  2. You crawled over to an overturned table in the corner of the restaurant. The collar of your shirt was now covered with blood. Your hand reached where the blade had cut you. You tried to add pressure to it to stop the blood but it didn't work. What had you gotten yourself into? Your thought was interrupted by the sound of dishes breaking and glass hit the wall above you, inches past your head falling into your hair. Then there was silence. Was it all over? You slowly peeked your head from behind the table, craning your neck ever so slightly felling the pain from your cut. Bodies sprawled across the floor like a sheet on a bed, The boys' uniforms had blood stains over them and Sami was laying against the wall, her chest hardly moving. "Guys, pack your stuff, we've got to get out of here" You heard one of the males say, feet shuffled out of the room. You crawled out from behind the table. "What's happening?" You asked, your throat croaking a bit. The guy who you remembered with the 50's styled hair, now messed up from the fight and bright blue eyes was the only one standing there. "It's alright, _____, just come with us, you'll be fine." You didn't move. He walked over to Sami, she didn't move a muscle. He lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder. "If you don't come with us," he said, turning to you. "You're going to be dead for sure. You stood up, nausea hit you like a ton of bricks. you wobbled a bit before falling. 'I'm strong, I'm okay," You tried to convince your self but your body won as everything turned black.
  3. your eyelids fluttered open, a small hum of the radio went through your ears. You sleepily looked around. taking in your surroundings. You were in a car. You weren't tied up though, you weren't even in a seatbelt. You were leaning against the window on your right, "So the princess has awoken." you heard a male voice say. You turned your head and saw two similar looking boys, from the restaurant, with light brown hair and natural red tinged highlights, on sitting on the others lap. You smiled at the sight. "The princess has a name, you know." You replied. They one sitting on the others lap, with purple eyes smiled at you. "And what would that be?" He asked. You didn't know who these people were or where they were taking you, so you kept your guard up. "It shouldn't matter who I am, who are you?" You snapped back, you didn't want to get too comfortable. You noticed the boy who had-who you guessed was his brother- sitting on his lap smirk at you, his emerald green eyes sparkled. "That's not a very nice way to treat someone who helped you," He says, pointing to your neck. You felt around where the cut was, and there was a handkerchief tied around your neck, which must've stopped the bleeding after you passed out. If these guys were kidnappers, why would they have helped you?
  4. "Your welcome," A head popped out behind the two brothers. It was the guy who offered you a drink earlier, his Dark brown hair bounced as the car hit a bump. His hazel eyes looked straight into yours." You could've bled to death, sweet heart" he said with a wink. "Where's Sami?" You asked, you had almost forgot about her. The guy driving spoke up "She's in the trunk, don't worry she's not dead. You peaked your head over you seat and looked into the inside trunk, she was laying on top of a few suitcases, just laying there. "Give her just a couple of minutes" The driver said. "Where are we going?" You asked, as nice as these people were you didn't know them. "To a safer place he answered, taking a left turn. "We couldn't leave you back at the restaurant, they would've found you." "They?" You asked, a bit nervous. "I'll explain it later." he answered.
  5. You all sat in the car in silence, you were surprized with yourself that you weren't freaking out. But there was something about these guys that made you feel safe, protected, like they would never hurt you. "So what are your names, anyway?" You asked, trying to break the silence. "I'm Adam, the adorable and funny one," Said the guy with Dark brown, almost black hair and hazel eyes. He did a little pose and fluttered his eyelashes. "but you could already tell." You raised an eyebrow. The brother with green eyes smirked "I'm Henry," he said, and pulled his brother sitting on his lap closer to him. "And this is my little brother Clarkson!" His brother, Clarkson pushed Henry away and accidently hit his head on the car roof. "I'm only his little brother by a few minutes, and please, call me Kai, NOT Clarkson." He said rubbing his head. You smiled "Aw, brotherly love" Henry winked, as Kai rolled his beautiful violet eyes, "Unfortunately" he muttered.
  6. You glanced up ahead, looking at the driver. You saw his bright blue eyes in the mirror and his hair ruffled up. He was the one who told everyone to get packing at the restaurant. He looked back at you in the mirror. "I'm Logan." he smiled and put his eyes back on the road. "I already know your name" he smiled "Wait, how do you know her name?!" Henry asked. "Because I listen." Logan replied "I'm _____" you said. smiling slightly. As time passed you tried to get more comfortable in your seat, but the car was packed pretty tight, especially since they had to stick Sami in the trunk and have Kai sit on Henry's lap. "Sorry for the tight squeeze," Logan said. "We're used to having only 5 people in the car." "5?" You asked, no one else introduced themselves, then you remembered seeing a blonde boy holding menus from the restaurant. "Yeah, Elias." You peered over the passenger seat to see the same boy with blonde hair, and deep blue and purple eyes. He had headphones and paid absolutely no attention to you.
  7. You sat back in your original position. "Well, Elias seems sweet." You said sarcastically. "He doesn't talk much." Kai said, his violet eyes looking down at his feet. "I can tell." you said, trying to look into the rear view mirror to catch a glance at Elias.
  8. You sighed and tapped your fingers on the window. What were your parents going to think? What if these guys are actually really bad people? What if Sami really was dead? What if- "Well, we're here." You heard Logan say. You looked through the window and saw you were parked a gas station. "You can go get some snacks if you want, ______" he said to you, stepping out of the car. The rest of the boys followed, except for Elias. He took his headphones off and turned back to look at you. He accidently made eye contact and swiftly turned back around. The silence was really awkward. Another car pulled up at the gas station. There were a couple of guys, who looked a bit older than you sitting in it, just staring. Luckily everyone else got back in the car a drove off.
  9. You guys pulled out of the parking lot, as did the other car, like it was a game of follow the leader. "Oh, Sh-" Kai said, noticing the creepy crusaider behind you. "I think they found us!" "Crap! Not again!" Adam said. Logan looked in the rear view mirror and took a sharp turn down a narrow wooded road. The other car did too, clunking down the dirt road. Your car sped up, the other car doing the same. The car behind you was on your tail, "Hold on to your seats," Logan said, right before he took a sharp turn right and spun in a circle, making the other car dodge and crash into a tree. "Everybody out now!" One of the guys yelled, making you jump. They opened the trunk and pulled Sami out, Elias slung her over her shoulders. The rest of the guys took the suitcases and started running. "COME ON _____!" Adam yelled. You quickly started running into the woods after them. You heard feet following behind you. "They found us!" Henry said "We have to lose them!" As you guys ran deeper into the woods it started getting harder to run, their suitcases dragging them down. you looked behind you to see how far away the people chasing you were. Bad idea. You tripped and face planted the ground, just as someone's hand grasped your leg. "Gotchya"
  10. *Le End* Hey, hoped you liked it, it wasn't the best but I had to start over 6 different times, so I'm really, really tired. I'll put a new one out next weekend so I hope you'll come back wheee! I feel like I should be more descriptive because when I'm writing these it feels longer then it is, but anyway, it's late where I live and I need sleep, Happy Easter!
  11. Oh, and another thing, for the, I don't know 5 of you who read this, thank you so much! I know, I know, it's not that far in to the series but you make me feel special! *super sappy ending quote*

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