Shoutout Quiz!!!

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I was just kidding. I will try to get everything done in the fastest way possible. I will make sure. Make sure you have fun and stay safe!!! Have fun! Can't wait to spend more time with you all!!

I was just kidding. I will try to get everything done in the fastest way possible. I will make sure. Make sure you have fun and stay safe!!! Have fun!

Created by: AudreyMidoriya21
  1. First one goes out to my mom, shattered dreams/pattern
  2. Second one goes out to my brother Angel
  3. Third one goes to Cats
  4. This one goes to Neon/Pag
  5. Elly
  6. This one goes to Ashton
  7. This one goes to Trem
  8. Dean
  9. Danny
  10. Curo

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