shoutout quiz because yes (november 2021)

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cover image isn’t mine)) the idea for a shoutout quiz was inspired by cats so this idea isn’t original, go praise cats instead of me because i’m a noob lmao

oh 😮 what do you mean by that time and on my face and i don’t see me a lot of people who don’t know why you can’t get out there for you to do not like 👍 you guys have no reason for that reason i

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  1. so for the first shoutout, we have spoce! (sprinkledspice) you are very cool and if i remember correctly, you were the first person i met on here!
  2. now we have cats! (cats17/atticus) you are quite a cool cat, and cats are one of my favorite animals 💪
  3. and now, we have danny! (dannylover) you are very cool, especially with your oatmeal making skills (please make some for me ;0) and you’re nice 👍
  4. now we have izzy! (marvellovingizzy) you are SUPER cool, and i would sacrifice all my oreos for you! you are very nice and i hope we can have more conversations!
  5. and now, we have Brother™ (piglinbrute) ik that you haven’t been on the site much but still, since you’re my brother i have to give you a shoutout because yes!
  6. now we have usagi! (emowoman) you are the COOLEST… you have inspired me to watch sailor moon (as soon as i find it on a streaming service i have LMAO)
  7. so now, it is…. breadgirl69 and rainintheshadows….. you guys are really funny, the funniest, funnier than me…. how dare you be funnier than me! anyway, you get the Cool Award ™ because of how cool you are 💪
  8. now we have trem! you are the coolest (nonbinary term for king/queen) bee that a peasant like me could ask for… (this sounds romantic but it isn’t-) -bows down-
  9. now we have not nikki, you definitely aren’t my alt account haha, you are the coolest friend i have!!!!
  10. now, the greatest one for last… WOLFIEPAWSSSSS!! you are definitely my coolest boyfriend and even though i don’t see you very much, i still love you! (this is platonic cause my parents would be mad 😔)
  11. if i forgot to include you, please tell me in the comments!

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