Should You Try Out For Cheerleading?

Just take the quiz plz if you are interested in cheerleading.

Wonder if you should go for cheerleading?? This quiz is for you. You will like it... Tells the truth!!.

Created by: Mickey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You like working with other people or your team mates.
  2. Do cheerleaders HAVE to be only girls??
  3. You like to cheer on your favorite teams!!
  4. Are you comfortable with wearing revealing clothing?
  5. Are you flexible? Or okay with getting flexible??
  6. Do you want to be a cheerleader??
  7. Can you do a cartwheel??
  8. Are you a good dancer? Or like dancing??
  9. How much do you know about cheerleading??
  10. Like the quiz??? No effect on final results..

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Quiz topic: Should I Try Out For Cheerleading? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Cheerleading Quiz category.